Love can be cruel!

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*FRIDAY NIGHT*"Do you believe that Mesut has a girlfriend?" I asked Nelly through the phone. I was laying on my bed, relaxing before falling asleep. "Yeah, why not? He is nice. I can't find a reason why to be single.. But why are you so surprised? Relax a little bit!" Nelly told me. Maybe I reacted a little bit weirdly. I don't know, the idea of Mesut dating someone was really odd to me. Odd enough so it couldn't get out of my mind! I yawned. "Nelly, I'd better sleep.. I'm feeling tired.. Talk to you tomorrow, goodnight!" I said. "Wait.. Wait a second! Em, how do you actually feel about Mesut dating that girl?!" Nelly asked me intensely. "Umm.. like.. it's that weird feeling.. I don't know it's like.. Nature 'made' Mesut with the purpose of staying single forever, I can't name it correctly.. Hope you understand.." I answered. "HOLY SHIT AND TACO BELL EMILY YOU ARE IN LOVE! YOU LIKE MESUT, ADMIT IT!" she yelled at me. "Hahahaha" I laughed. "Are you crazy? Of course not! Hahah.." I said, still laughing. "Whatever you say, Mesut is on your heart and mind but you can't admit it! Too bad he isn't single.." Nelly told me. "Duhh.. Goodnight Nelly, I'm too tired for this crap.." I told her and hanged up the phone. Of course I didn't like Mesut.. I mean.. I could have feeling for him just related to friendship and nothing more.*SATURDAY MORNING*I suppose Lisa would be here in any minute.. Or maybe she would arrive at the evening.. or at night.. But Mesut said she would be there for the weekend, which means for the whole Saturday maybe.. Why was I still thinking about it? Jesus, Emily! Forget it! He is still your friend.. But, what else? Ughhh!! I don't want to.. like him in a way more than friends.. It would be awful! Okay, okay.. calm down.. Deep breathing.. Ouff.. Suddenly, I heard someone walking upstairs. I quickly ran to my door, and checked through that little hole. Oh my God, it was Lisa! Wow, she looked even better than the photo.. She knocked Mesut's door. Aww his smile got so wide when he saw her. But, where was her suitcase or something? Wasn't she supposed to stay for the weekend? From Mesut's face, it seemed like he had the same thought. Then they both got inside and Mesut finally closed his door. Damn it, I wanted to know what was going on! I walked to my room anyway. I got out my canvas and my other drawing tools. I starting painting, so I could forget about everything and focus on my studies. I sketched a landscape on Italy. On Rome maybe. Just when I was about to add some colors to my work of art, I heard someone screaming. It frightened me, to be honest! Then, a girl yelled back, with a high tone on her voice. What was going on?? After that, someone closed a door with a lot of force. I quickly ran to that tiny hole on my door. I looked through it and noticed Lisa walking downstairs. What was going on?? Thinking about it, I started realizing what was happening. Mesut had a fight with Lisa! It was really obvious. I walked outside and knocked Mesut's door. "WHO THE HELL IS IT?" I heard him screaming, the same way he screamed at the German girl. "It's.. Emily.. Is everything OK?" I said awkwardly and a little bit scared. He sounded very angry! "EVERYTHING IS FUCKING GREAT, OK? NOW LEAVE!" He screamed again loudly. "Umm.. whenever you feel like talking.. I'll be there for you, ok? Just knock my door.. umm.. ok.. Bye.." I answered, waiting for his reply. He didn't give a response though.. I left, hopefully he heard me. I turned around, facing my door. Did a few steps when I was in front of my door, close enough to enter my key. When I was about to get my key out of my pocket, I heard the door behind me opening. I quickly turned around. "Lisa.." Mesut said more sadly than angrily this time. "Lisa what?" I asked curiously. "Lisa broke up with me.." He told me, very very sad this time. His eyes turned red and his smile got lost. Now a sad look took over his face. "Oh my God.. No way!" I said surprised on the highest level. I covered my widely open mouth with my hands and stared at Mesut with a sad look. He looked so depressed.. oh my God he looked like a mess.. I couldn't believe that yesterday he was saying how much he loved her.. Oh my.. I walked to his side and hugged him tightly. "I'm so so sorry.. Really.." I whispered. "I loved her.. And she.. she just broke up with me.. So simply.. She didn't care.." he answered, obviously feeling like crying. "Love is a mysterious game.. Forget it.." I told him, still keeping him on my hug. He hugged me back, leaning his head to my shoulder. "If you feel like telling me.." I told him awkwardly. "I really need someone right now.." He answered, whipping his big dark eyes. "Come on.." I said and made him come to my apartment. He followed me as we both entered my house.

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