Not in a billion years!

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After some hours, I felt relaxed enough to start drawing again. I opened up my canvas and brought out my drawing tools. Just when I was about to dip my brush to the water-colouring, I heard my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, it's me Nelly! Ready for tomorrow?" I heard my best friend telling me on my phone. Tomorrow we were supposed to take part on UAL's audition. "I wouldn't say so.. Umm.. I'm still practising.. I'm so nervous Nelly! What if they don't take me?" I asked her worried. "Here we go again.. Emily, calm down girl! They's gonna love you! You are so talented! It's good that you practise though, how's it going?" she said, trying to convince me that UAL will accept me for sure. "Not that good.. A new guy moved over the apartment next to mines and he is so annoying! He is German and he is listening to that awful 10s music everyday at the afternoon when I want to sleep! Like.. who listens to 'Diamonds' anymore?" I complained annoyed. "Why would someone listen to music at that time?" she wondered confused. "He says music inspires him or something.. he is a photographer or at least he wants to study photgraphy here in London." I explained. "Wow, a photographer? That sounds interesting.. so he is an artist, like us!" she noticed happily, like I haven't told her how annoying he is acting. By the way, Nelly's dream job is director. She will try to study at UAL like me so it's a dream that we both share. Me, a painter and her a director. She is pretty gifted to be honest! I've seen her works, she deserves a place at UAL. "Yeah he is I suposse.." I said. "Have you ever talked to him?" she wondered. "Well.. yeah but it wasn't that nice. We argued." I confessed. "Great! What a first impression! Wait.. I can come over so we can both meet him better!" she suggested. I laughed. "What are you saying?? I'm not going to talk to that loser again! He doesn't deserve anyone's friendship! He is cold and plays it too cool.. Nah-ah, I'm not talking to him!" I answered, making it clear that I don't want to have a different relationship with that guy besides from neighbors. "Fine.. Do you know where he is going to study?" she asked me curiously. And that moment, I felt my heart stop for a second. What if.. No.. NOO!! "What if he study to UAL with us?" she asked extremely happy, trying to hide that excitement as much as she could. She failed, unfortunately. "Let's pray that he won't!" I said seriously nervous. "Yes.. of course.. Look, I'm coming by there! Ok?" she suggested. "Sure, I'm waiting. Byee.." I answered and hanged up the phone. While waiting, I practised my shading abilities. Shades are a must! It hasn't pasted that much time and I heard footsteps inside the building. It must have been Nelly! I ran to the door and checked from that little hole on my apartment's door. I was right, it was Nelly. But, what was she doing? She knocked his door and not mine's! Oh my.. he opened! I opened slightly the door so I could hear what was going on. "Damn you Germany.." Nelly confessed whispering. Maybe she was turned on by his armrests. They were naked and fit. "Excuse me?" he asked. "Oh, I'm sorry! Ahem.. Hello! I'm Nelly, Emily's best friend!" she said pointing my door. "Emily.. who?" he wondered confused. "Umm.. your neighbor maybe?" she explained. "Anyway, you are..?" she asked. "Mesut. But what do you want anyway?" he wondered again, still confused. "I heard that you are keen on art! Emily is also, she is a painter and I like directing movies, music videos etc. We are giving auditions for UAL tomorrow, what about you?" she asked. I facepalmed myself. "I'm going to give an audition there as well! I'm a photographer actually." he answered still a little bit nervous. "Isn't Emily a wonderful girl? She is also single, note this!" she told him and then winked at him. What the hell was she doing? "Umm.." he only said. I got out of my apartment and then grabbed her from the hand, back at mine's. "Are you stupid?" I asked her, after I closed the door. "Giiirl.. that guyyy.. Did you see those muscles? Also.. an artist? And your neighbor? You better move straight to the flirting part!" she said amazed of her meeting with him. "Are you talking seriously now? You don't even know him! He is not my type anyway! Why don't you date him or something?" I told her. And that moment I just remembered her online date.. I couldn't believe that she dated a guy online. "Because I'm dating Nick! Don't you remember?" she said. Nick is her online boyfriend. He is American and I think a painter as well.. God knows who he really is.. I don't know if they have ever video-called but I'm still scared. "Yeah right.." I replied. "Didn't you hear him? He will study at UAL! Lucky you!!" she said extremely excited and then winked at me. "Stop it.. I'm about to throw up." I demanded. "Fine.. do whatever you want! I actually find this really intersting.. It could be a movie!" she thought. "And back to normal.. haha.. you want coffee?" I asked her laughing. "Sure thing!" she answered.

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