Who Are You?

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Jesse's P.O.V

Sometimes I just can't believe that man. 

Mr. White, that is.

That bald bastard thinks he's king shit. He really assumes that he's the one running the show, yet he really wouldn't be anywhere without me. I was the one who made the connections, now he thinks he's a hotshot.

I sighed, trying to hold back my anger as I stuffed multiple baggies filled with pure, blue Meth, into the deep pockets of my hoodie.

What Mr. White didn't know, was that I had managed to punk a whole ounce of the blue stuff. Right from under his bulbous nose.

I just couldn't help myself. It's too easy to push this stuff. And even easier to smoke my profit. Since Jane's death, I've really been doing more crystal than anyone should ever consider doing...in a lifetime.

I slipped into my boots and after double checking to make sure I had everything, my wallet and keys, I headed out the door. Feeling relieved that nothing bad happened today, I got into my car and drove off.

I spent most of the day cruising around town with Skinny Pete and Badger. We managed to sell a few of the baggies that I had brought along. Most of them we sold to a few tweaker kids that hung out by the mall. We always managed to rip a few of them off, yet the quality of the dope always brought them back for more.

We then headed over to one of our best selling spots, the 7/11 on the corner of Haight and Banbury. There you could always find someone jonesing for some crystal.

 As soon as we pull into the parking lot, we can spot them out. It's pretty obvious when you know what to look for. You see them waiting there, their hands and feet jittering. Some of them twitching, their eyes are like large black disks, darting from side to side, as they wait for us to get out of the car.

I automatically sent Badger over so he could deal with our typical clients. Skinny Pete stayed in the car, while I ran into the store to buy a few packs of smokes.

As I turned the corner, I almost collided into a drop-dead gorgeous, blonde bombshell, who seemed a bit spaced out. Before she could get away from me, and before my brain could fully process what I was doing I stopped her.

"Want to buy some crystal? Purest shit around, so pure it's blue. Which will complement those eyes of yours." I smiked, hoping she wouldn't slap me or call the cops. But she just stood there, her eyes glazed over and unfocused. I dared to repeat myself, knowing too well that this bitch was down for crystal.

Finally she seemed to snap out of her trance. She smiled and said, "are you kidding me? Of course...how much?" She asked this, her eyes never leaving mine. I couldn't help but let my eyes drift down the length of her petite body.

I then fished from my pocket, one of the remaining fifty bags and tapped it in front of her face so she could get a good look at what I had to offer.

"Today is your lucky day..." I started, giving her a wink. "I'll give you an amazing deal. This bag of the best shit you've ever had your hands on, for a reasonable price of $20. What do you say?"

Her mouth dropped slightly as she instantly began to rummage through her purse to retrieve her wallet. She pulled out a crisp twenty dollar bill and handed it to me. I handed her the crystal and I could see the yearning in her eyes.

"Enjoy. I promise you that you won't be disappointed." I said, giving her a sly grin. She smiled at me and I could feel my knees weaken. This girl definitely had quite the charm to her.

"Thank you...I'm new in town. I didn't expect to find anything so soon. I really appreciate your help, thank you...er?"

"Jesse...the name's Jesse." I said casually. "I'm Vanessa. It was great meeting you, I hope you will be around the next time I'm in need." She giggled.

"Well, why don't you take my number down, so you never have to worry. I have more of that where it came from."

She smiled and took out her cell. I gave her my number and took hers down as well. Too easy, I thought, grinning.

"Well, I really should get going. I don't want my uncle to start thinking something bad happened to me. Thank you, again. I'll be seeing you around, Jesse."

With that she headed off and I couldn't help but to stare as her hips swayed gracefully in time with her brisk pace.

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