Permanent Damage.

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Once I finally made it back to uncle Walt and aunt Skyler's house, I finished my smoke and hid the crystal into my bra. I didn't want them to ever find out. Honestly, I was far from being ashamed of my drug habits, but I knew that they would kick me out if they found out. 

I told them I would be going to bed, and that I would probably be having a smoke on the deck out back. Without hesitation, they said good night, and allowed me out the back door. When I was sure no one was watching, I pulled out my pipe, and decided to see if Jesse was lying to me or not.

I've had my fair share of meth, but I don't let it control my life. As crazy as it sounds, I've never been physically hooked to meth...well, yet. I'm not sure if I'm just special, but I can always stop doing it whenever I want.

The first time I tried it, I was almost 17, and my friend offered it to me at a party. It really changed my world, and I went on a binge for a few days after that...but when it was time for me to go home, I didn't do any for a whole four months.

My mother never found out, and my dad...well, meth is the reason why he isn't here today. So, I don't think he would really mind my habits.

Finally inhaling, I realized that this was the purest shit I have ever experienced. It was amazing, my heart was racing, and I felt like I was floating on this intense cloud of euphoria.

I had a smoke, then went back inside. Everything was quiet, which meant they had probably gone to bed. That made me feel less paranoid. I went back to my room, and sat on the bed. My mind raced, as the bed felt amazing underneath me. The sheets felt almost as good as silk.

Grabbing my phone off the end table, I texted Jesse:

This shit is awesome. I am definitely going to buy more. ;)

I waited for him to reply, wondering what he would say. Figuring it would take long, I listened to music via iPod, and rested my head on the comfiest pillow I could find. My body felt like it was going through quakes of happiness, and I definitely could not stop fidgeting my feet.

I wondered if Jesse would even text back, as he was a dealer and he probably didn't even care about me...he was really hot, and I did want to make new friends. I didn't know how to react to this. I was really only eighteen, and I was already doing really fucked up drugs...

...I guess I really am a fuck up.

Finally, my phone vibrated, and I instantly smiled. I was excited to know what he texted me. I looked, and it read:

I'm glad you like it, honey. Don't worry, there will be more ;) I promise.

Haha, he was flirting with me. I couldn't believe how easily I could charm some men. It was almost like a game sometimes...but there was definitely something different about Jesse. He did make me feel a bit light headed, and queasy. But not in a bad way...he looked very sensual in ways that I couldn't explain. I felt there was some kind of mystery underneath it all.

Finally deciding to pass out, I pulled the covers over my shoulders, and rolled over. The sleep I had, was the best I had in years, and when I woke up, I had received another text from Jesse...

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