That's The Way I Like It.

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I awoke with a start, and I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. The smell of sizzling bacon was wafting through the air, and it made my stomach grumble. Usually I wasn't too hungry after a night of meth, but right now, breakfast would be amazing. I was surprised to see that I had gotten up at a decent time; only 9:30. It was a Saturday morning.

Before going into the kitchen area, I checked my phone. I had one text message from Jesse.

Hey, do you want to meet up?

My heart started beating very rapidly. I knew he told me last night that if I ever needed a place to chill, I could chill at his place. He had then texted me his address afterwards. Thinking that I should maybe go, I decided to have some breakfast first.

My mind wracked for a reason why Jesse would want to meet up with me. He probably just wanted someone to hang out with...maybe he was lonely...maybe he just wanted to have sex with me. I chose the last choice as the most plausible one. Mostly because I secretly wanted it to happen. Jesse was gorgeous. Just the thought of having sex with him made me squirm with pleasure.

Skyler had made breakfast for all of us, and I opened up a bit more this morning. Everyone seemed like they were in a good mood, which made me feel a lot more at ease. Walt inquired as to what I was doing today, and I lied and said I was going to take a walk around to find my surroundings. He allowed me to borrow the car once he knew I had my license.

This made me really happy, so I decided to get ready. I showered for a long time, making sure to shave my most intimate parts. Who knows when a girl is about to get lucky? After my shower, I picked out my tightest pair of jeans, and my best fitted halter top. To appear less like a slut, I grabbed the baggiest sweater I owned. Slipping it on, I made my way to the bathroom to do my hair and make-up.

By the time it was 10:30, I was out the door and checking the last text I got from Jesse last night. His address. It wasn't far from here, which made me a little suspicious, but I was content. About fifteen minutes later, I had found his place. It made really nervous to go knock on the door. I had no idea what we were going to do.

When I knocked on the door, I waited a good two minutes before I heard his rough voice yell, "Yo, just a minute!"

I giggled at his dialect, but thought it was quite fitting for him.

The door swung open, and it revealed a very confused Jesse. He seemed shaken up, and very distraught. He finally greeted me.

"Sorry...I thought you were someone else..." he said in a drawn out voice.

Greaaattt, he didn't want to spend any alone time with me.

Inside was huge, and an overall really gorgeous house. Jesse owned a mixture of modern and old things. Somethings looked battered and used for years, whereas others looked brand new. I sat on his sofa, and it felt good to not be standing up.

"I'm sorry, Vanessa. I don't wanna seem rude or anything...I just...nevermind. Wanna smoke up? I got a joint rolled." he used this as his back up plan.

I smiled, and nodded. Maybe things would get much better once we got stoned.

He put on some Jimi Hendrix, which shocked me, as Jesse seemed like the rap kind of guy. Sitting down next to me, he looked at me with his gorgeous eyes. His smiled was making me melt.

"You seem like a cool chick...where you from? What's your story?"

I told him how my mother had left my father years ago, and that he died of a meth overdose. My mother then married my principal when I finally graduated from high school. She shipped me off to live with my aunt and uncle, whose names I omitted in case uncle Walt had been his Chemistry teacher in high school.

He listened to me, but he always seemed so distant. He told me a bit about himself, and I found myself to like him more and more. He was very intriguing.

When the joint was finished, he asked me if I'd like to smoke more. I did, so he went to get his stash. A few minutes later, he came out with both weed and some more of the blue meth. Sitting next to me once again, he rolled a few joints and pulled out a glass pipe.

"I want to make this special for you, as you're new in town and my newest client." Just hearing those words made me so happy.

Jesse had already accepted me as his new client. Things were going smoothly. In a matter of hours, we were both high out of tree, and satisfied. We were watching some romantic movie, when he finally kissed me on the lips. That kiss made my heart skip a beat, and restart rapidly. He began caressing my face, then his hands traveled...

He pushed me down into the sofa, and started taking off my shirt. Everything felt so great. I was moaning against his mouth, and he knew exactly where to touch. I could feel a bulge in his pants, and it was making me really wet.

" old are you?" he asked, stopping everything.

"It doesn't matter, Jesse..."

"Yes it does. I told you, you never told me. I wanna know how old you are, beautiful."


There was a slight pause, before he began ravaging me even more. The fact that I was a lot younger than him, must have turned him on more. He finally whispered in my ear,

"I'm gonna make you so wet..."

I knew he wasn't lying either. He pulled off my top, and unbuttoned my jeans. Jesse cupped my breast, and unhooked my bra from behind me. Finally, he saw my perky C cup breasts. He seemed to really enjoy them, and the bulge in his pants grew harder.

Sucking on my nipples, he went from the left to the right. I couldn't help but moan out loudly. He knew my sweet spots, and he knew just how to please me right.

"Jesse..." I moaned softly, kissing his nicely toned chest with the amazing tattoo.

He finally kept kissing lower and lower, spreading my legs and removing my jeans. All that was left was my underwear, which Jesse gladly took off with his teeth. I was nude. In front of my newest dealer. As scary as it sounds, it was wonderful. He finally began kissing my inner thighs. I was in heaven.

When his tongue came into contact with my labia, I felt a static shock surge through my body. He kissed and lapped at my already wet cunt, moaning and groaning as he did it.

"I love the way your pussy tastes..."

It was about as far as we could before uncle Walt called me, and asked me to bring the car home...

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