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Sporting the stained in blood, dirt, and exhaustion look, I finally lean on the brick wall of a bar's exterior. I inhale deeply, forcing my heavy eyes open. The street was lonely, especially at night. I've been roaming for hours, lost. Unsure of what to do, but I knew I had to find shelter, and that's exactly what I was going to do. I remember specifically the mafia that roams L.A. Being out here will be no good.

I'm assured for a moment that I've lost nothing. I refuse to believe my father, my sister, and my mother are dead. I throw aside any doubt that Harry's alive like Liam said. My worry only increases if I continue to think, so I shut my thoughts out for a moment. One which I lean off the brick wall and continue a path down the sidewalk in silence.

But night turns to daylight, and I've got nowhere to hide. Nowhere to run. I remember drifting off to sleep behind a dumpster, thinking about how I can't wait to escape everything. And by everything I mean my life that...always restricted from certain things. I've lived letting people casually take my life in their hands, and I've lacked the sense to fend for myself. To defend myself.

And it's ironic that now that I have nearly none of that; at this very moment, is when I figure that I want to change it all. So even though my lips are chapped, my throat is dry, I'm stained terribly in blood, and my bones ache, I get up. I grab the pistol that I've used to kill Roy, and I leave. I know those codes, and whatever their purpose was, is no longer my business. I gave them away, and to whom they shall land in, I hope for the best.

I walk down the sidewalk, and I look around. I've arrived at a parking lot, where I use the tiny bit of knowledge I have on cars to break into one, and hotwire it. My fearless approach to these things is not acknowledgable in my head. I just don't see it in myself yet. Hours later of driving and stopping along the road to sleep, I've arrived at a space center where they keep things locked entirely, and although people there give me their looks, at least I know one good thing about my father. That is his code the safe that keeps a good fortune of money.

Nevada makes me uncomfortable. I've been here many times, on trips with my dad. And I crossed my fingers that I didn't encounter anyone I know, or knows me. I'm doubtful, though, as I unlock my father's safe, and find the fortune he keeps inside. I sigh to myself, tension in my shoulders dropping. There's at least a million in here.

Where my father gets his money is not my business either. I tend to look away from these subjects. I only grab whatever there is and pour it into a backpack, one that I strap onto my back and lock the safe again. My lips press together as I hastily leave the area, going into the car that I have to dump before it's reported stolen.

I go to whatever nearest shop there is and grab clothes. Random things, necessities. I am haste to get away from the public eye. And as if sleep wasn't already haunting me, I run into a large amount of fatigue. I force myself awake to drive at least another couple of miles to Boulder City, Nevada to a hotel. I nearly fall asleep on the steering wheel before I even get help from the employees here. They ask no questions about my conditions, though they're weirded out to say the least.

"How long will you be staying?" The lady at the front desk questions politely. I'm staring off to space, unable to answer her for I didn't hear her. My thoughts were too loud. "Ma'm," she calls firmly.

I snap my eyes towards her and gulp. "Um...I'm sorry, what was that?"

"How long will you be staying?"

"I...I don't know. Just charge me for however long I stay," I tell her, and she slowly nods in understanding. I tap my fingers against the marbled counters, waiting impatiently for her to get the keys. I've registered with the name Cata Holland, because using my real name really puts me up there for recognition. I smile politely when the woman finally tosses me keys.

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