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        It's frustrating to remain unsure of all that has happened recently. Harry won't tell me anything, which further carries on the fact that he is only following orders. On terms of following orders, I can't find any good reason that would persuade him to drop his orders. It just irritates me. I want to know -- I deserve to know -- why they are looking for me.

        The dawn began to set, the sky turning almost purple, lighting to a breathtakingly beautiful blue. A dry desert remained outside the truck windows, but there were small houses beginning to appear now. People that live on the outskirts of Brownsville, Texas would turn their heads to stare at our truck. We went through mere government officials who are in charge of immigrants on escape.

        Harry asked for a man named Davis, and was granted immediately entrance to the United States. I had fallen asleep for most of the ride, leaning my head against the window and feeling the odd angle quickly effecting my neck.

        "We are almost in Brownsville, Texas." Harry informed me. I knew that, though. I decided on remaining quiet and not giving him any response, which he seemed completely fine with. Most likely glad I hadn't opened my mouth to annoy him.

        I pressed my finger against the window, drawing irregular shapes on the slightly dirty glass. The outside was painted with a few marks of dirt and spots of white paint. Only the corners were not as immaculate as the rest of the window, which allowed me to see outside just perfectly fine. I became interested in the window.

        My throat felt dry and I swallowed. In a two hours we'd arrive at the tip of Brownsville, Texas, where Harry will drive the rest of the way to Bryan, Texas. It will take another six hours to reach that destination. The state was so huge, and the cities were so far apart. I'm a little interested to see what the state has to offer. Although I won't be granted much freedom considering there are people looking for me.

        I won't be staying with Harry anymore, either. Which is somehow relieving. He has made this trip much harder for the both of us. I'm well aware he doesn't like me at all, in a friendly manner, of course. But, I can't help but feel bad about it. I want him to like me and to see me as a friend. However, it seems as if Harry isn't the type to have friends.

        There was a few bumps in the road, the desert road became concrete now. It reassured me that there might be a bigger chance at getting to safety than I thought a few hours ago. I'm hungry, dirty, and thirsty. I don't mean to sound like a whiny brat, but traveling without things I'm used to is hard to just adapt to in hours.

        I sighed deeply and dropped my finger from the window. I turned to Harry and watched him drive. Harry had his hand on the shift and the other on the wheel, leaning back as usual. His face was cold and stolid, displaying no emotion. He was so cold hearted. I wondered how someone can just be that cold without a single trace of regret or remorse.

        "Stop staring at me." He said carelessly, his husky voice has changed, raspier than usual due to the lack of water.

        "I'm sorry," I grumbled, turning away from him. There was a tint of heat on my cheeks because I had been caught.

        He was silent once more, ending our small interaction there. That man irritates me to an awful extent. I feel compelled to hit his face several times, and I want to scream at him to give me something to work with. He remains mysterious and unknown even when he has showed me constantly he doesn't play any games.

        My eyes were locked onto the dashboard. "How long do you think it will be when they find me again?"

        Harry didn't answer right away, as I expected. Although it shocked me he had a few seconds afterwards because I expected no response. "What makes you think they'll find you?" He asked dryly.

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