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The bedroom didn't have the same feeling lurking around at its corners. This time it was purely filled with safety and my security. I'm still not fond of Harry's attitude, but fond of his bravery and his decision to risk his own trying to prevent the loss of mine.

I should have taken this more serious. But I can't help but be intrigued by him. Harry is such a mysterious character, and all on his own there are particular characteristics to him that make me wonder.

Still, I need to focus. My life is on the line here, and if I'm not mistaken, so is Harry's. This isn't the time to try and get to know each other. I feel stupid about my attempts to getting to know him. It's bad enough that he pointed out he doesn't care.

Harry typed on his phone. For the last thirty minutes I've been sitting on the bed while he sat at the edge. From time to time I'd look over his shoulder and try and peek at the text messages. I had no idea how he was getting signal from this "motel for dogs".

"Your father is in Italy as of right now. I've been informed that --"

I interrupted him for a good reason. I saw that his location was on, and so was his GPS. On the screen of his Galaxy S4, at the top right corner so was his bluetooth. My mind raced with thought.

"Harry, why are your location, GPS, and bluetooth on?" I asked him out of curiosity. He paused, not even snapping at me for interrupting him. I leaned over his shoulder, practically breathing down his neck. But as we both stared at the phone, we were too lost in thought to address anything about personal space.

He inhaled sharply, pulling down the notification panel and turning off all three. "There. That was smart of you, Catalina. They could easily track us through my phone."

A faint smile framed my lips as I slowly moved away from him. The faint smell of cologne on his clothes disappeared from my sense. I carefully sat back against the headboard and crossed my legs over each other.

Harry placed his phone in his pocket, standing up from the bed. We had both eaten the snacks from the vending machine we had gotten earlier when he finally confronted me. I don't think too much about what he said. Hopefully, soon enough we'd get somewhere of safety.

I watched him pace around slowly. "I think we should head out now."

It was only four; two hours before he said we'd have to leave. A frown began to cross over my lips, my eyebrows furrowing. "Do you not sleep?"

Again, a silence took us over until he decided he should answer me. I know I ask many questions that must annoy him, but I can't help but feel curious. He stood in front of the bed, arms crossed over his chest.

"I can not sleep knowing we are being followed. My eyes have to be on you and our surroundings every second." Harry informed me, his eyes staring into mine rather casually. As always, his jaw was set tightly.

That was pretty obvious, but still I didn't think it was a good idea for him to force himself awake. He needs focus and concentration. Without sleep those two things will lack.

"I still think you should sleep for at least until we planned to leave." My opinion will never convince him of anything, and that was obvious when he shook his head.

"I drank some Redbulls from the vending machine. I'm fine, Catalina. Have you slept enough?" Harry asked almost mockingly. I understand I tick him off easily, but that doesn't mean he has to be so rude.

Huffing softly, I defended myself. "Actually, I have. Thank you for your concern."

He clenched his jaw, still staring at me while I flickered my eyes away from his to the sheets. "Don't. You are easily offended. Evidently sensitive. I hate sensitive people."

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