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note: you all have the right to kick my ass ok I'm so sorry.

And ik a lot of you guys like to skim the story, but please read it all. There are major details in this chapter.


I woke to the sound of a click, a click that belonged to a gun. Followed by some shuffling, footsteps, and a slight cough.

My body sat up as I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes. Harry stood by the dresser, setting his weapons up and finishing getting dressed. I saw his back muscles and arms flex every now and then with his movements.

"Hey," I rasped out tiredly, gaining his attention.

He turned around just as he placed his gun in his back pocket. I watched him as he took a the few steps to my tired figure.

I felt my lips part as he grabbed my chin, pale green eyes burning into mine so early in the day.

"I'm leaving right now. Remember what I said? Don't put yourself in danger," he warned sternly, yet quietly as he leaned down and kissed my lips.

His sudden affection was one that I was not complaining about. I felt him pull away before settling on a long, trench coat. Oddly enough, his long hair was tied up and it looked awfully good on him.

I sighed and lied down when he exited the room. To my surprise, I heard my name.

Curious, I stood up and leaned against the door. He seemed to be in a conversation with yet again an agitated Zayn.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You slept on the same bed with her? What, is cuddling our boss's daughter what's making you soft?" He spat exasperatedly.

Harry paused, but not for long before he snapped out, "I will fucking shoot you and do this myself, Zayn. I work alone just fine."

"That's clearly a lie since you've done nothing. Probably had your head on fucking the boss's daughter all this time," he bitterly snapped, and surprisingly Harry had not made a sound.

All I heard was a slam against the door, and it caused me to jump back. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to avoid any unnecessary hints that I was listening.

"What the hell is your problem?" Harry barked. "I thought you and your sentimental shit were a package deal."

"Nothing's my problem, except that you think I don't know what you've really been up to." Zayn said loudly. "I'm not an idiot. Are you fucking the boss's daughter, Harry?"

"No, I'm not. I'm trying to get this shit together so we can figure out what the hell is the real problem here," he remarked.

Zayn was quiet for a brief moment. "I don't think you remember what happened to that kid a few weeks ago for even talking about Catalina. Remember? Mr. Gates himself sliced his throat," Zayn quietly hissed.

I furrowed my eyebrows in disgust, shaking my head and sighing at the heavily barbaric ways of my father.

"She's dangerous to love." He added.

Harry began to bitterly laugh, quite loudly if I may add.

"The day I love someone is a day that will most likely never arrive. Get over it, Zayn." He spat.

"Alright." Zayn roughly said. "Then let's get down to business."

They left, securing the building to make sure it was nearly impossible to come inside. As for me, I felt a tinge of anger and much disappointment.

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