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note: a lot of you guys are confused, and so was i when i started making this plot but in time shit will start to make sense.

"Harry, I'm worried. This is just...none of this is making any sense."

"You've got nothing to worry about. I'm protecting you. I'm taking care of you. Everything. I'm doing it for you. Can't you just understand that? I just fucking gave you my all last night, and you still feel like questioning me?"

I cleared my throat and averted my eyes for a very brief moment to the floor, and then I gazed up at him again to find his pale green eyes watching me.

He never stopped watching me. He spoke, and he was looking right through me. And it scares me because even though he's done everything he can for me, I can't help but feel unsure and overthink.

The silence between us was tense.

His hands ran through his hair, and he closed his eyes with a loud sigh. "I've gone against every rule I've set up for myself my entire life...for you. And I hate that you can't fucking use that brain of yours and think."

"I'm trying," I insisted. "I really am. You can't blame me for questioning you, because you switch characters on me all the time. First you're snapping at me, and then...you're caring for me and calling me baby, but then you go back to being heartless."

Harry rubbed his jawline with parted lips, thinking before he said, "I didn't grow up the same way you did, alright? I wasn't handed everything on a silver platter." His hand fell at his side. "I'm not used to giving so much to a person."

"Harry, --"

"And when I do give a lot, I get fucking questioned like I'm the bad guy," he retorted, shaking his head.

My hands came over my face, somehow trying to just rub away the frustration that won't leave my body. "I'm not saying that you're the bad guy. I'm worried because there are things you don't tell me."

"Okay, the tattoo? I've had it for so long, alright? I'm not ready to tell you what that's from. If you want me to change for you, take me one step at a time. Fuck, it's not easy for me," he firmly stated, and I was surprised when his hands removed my own from my face.

I peered up at him, wrists in his grip. "I'm sorry," I told him, "I just...I wanted to feel like I was helping, but all I've done is add to the problem."

"You've been a pain in my ass, I'm glad we both agree," he admitted, careless to how I'd react, but we both agree I have in fact been agitating, especially to someone that has so much on his mind. I know he's got a lot of weight on him and he hates to show it, but I should have been less persistent to get what I wanted.

And he was a huge pain in my mind. Always switching personalities on me and agitating me. But that's over now. He's changing for me and I can't possibly ask for more.

My eyes averted between us as he said, "But you're the pain that affects me the most, and I can't lose you to these bloody bastards who have intentions that could be anything."

Harry continued to speak, dropping my wrists and reaching for my face. His thumb caressed right beneath my bottom lip. I don't understand why, but it soothed me. Every part of my skin he touched, as long as it was him, was perfect. I wonder why it had to be him.

"My job isn't to protect you anymore, that's my instinct." He added. "My job now is to help keep the corporation alive and locate your father."

I gradually began to nod. This is the part where we really can't lose this focus. It depends on many lives and the safety of others.

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