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note: i flipped my own shit writing this. it took me hours.  ;)))))


He had eyed me down, eyes repeatedly following to me then to the electrical box that was closest to me behind the table. It hung on the wall, awaiting it's fuse to burns. Unfortunately, for Harry, I had to blow a fuse. In the split second of vision, I inhaled sharply and shot the box as quickly as I could. 

That was the first bullet.

It was lights out immediately. Every man in that room started shooting. The lack of light betrayed many of them. Throats burned with yells and cries of pains, or determined, angry shouts that made my stomach turn. Next to me, I heard movement. Liquids splashing. It was in that mil-second, that I found out Harry was tossing the bottles of toxic fumes. 

I crouched down when his large hands wrapped around my waist, covering my body with his. He bolted behind the velvet red curtains. My ankles nearly torn when the heels supporting my weight failed to maintain my balance. While bullets soared throughout the vast, grand ball room, hitting through walls, leaving debris, Harry and I were lucky enough to dodge plenty. 

It was Zayn's idea. We could escape, well Harry and I could, if I shot the electrical supply. It was not his main priority to keep me safe, more to keep the organization alive while my father was nowhere to be found. Yet, his sharp wit and my accurate saved the possibility of surviving once again. 

Without further ado, Harry and I were in the warm breeze outside once again. Maybe it was my adrenaline, but I could not hear properly. I stopped for a brief moment and threw off my heels. The pain in my bones was massive, and I had to get rid of the purpose to keep going. 

How many men died back there; it was beyond me. I knew plenty were done for, but I was hoping neither Liam or Zayn were killed. I doubt it, they're skilled enough and sharp enough to get out. Right now, however, Harry had other plans.

We were speeding down the road. All the while my heart was beating in my ears, blood running hot and adrenaline excessively high. I hissed when I shifted in my seat, attempting to look behind us for any unwanted company. 

I rolled up my dress, moving aside the part that revealed my left thigh. With my lip between my teeth, heavy breathing, I saw the patch of blood soaking through the black fabric. A car beeped its horn so loudly, it snapped me out of my trance. I was grazed by a bullet. Only grazed.

Placing the black fabric over it again, I held it and ignored the pain that was just now a dull ache. I will feel it when my level of adrenaline decreases. 

"I saw it," he snapped, pale green eyes never leaving the road. Zooming past cars and motorcycles, he clenched his jaw and glanced at me. "That needs to be taken care of right now." 

I disagreed. "I'm fine. We could be chased right now. They all know I'm here." 

"We're going to the hospital. In terms of my first instinct, they think I'm hiding you again. They won't look in the most obvious spots," Harry explained angrily. "And I need you to be quiet for me and cooperate. If I hadn't been so fucking soft, this would have never happened." 

"He knew where I was. While you were there, he had two theories," I informed him sternly, quickly. "One, I would be hidden where he knew I was. Two; you took me with you. I bet you the building we stayed in is utterly destroyed with evidence that they were there." 

Harry made a sharp turn, and I gripped my hip with a whimper. "Is it deep?" He asked lowly.

"Yeah. I'm bleeding quite a bit," I replied, gazing behind us again. So far, no other cars were breaking the speed limits. I knew he was ignoring what I had said before, but I softly added, "It was better for me to be with you and not make it so easy for him back in that building, Harry." 

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