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3 Weeks Later.

Somewhere deep in a small town of France, where rural land was more vast and yet more preferable for us, I fought for a thin, white sheet with him. In a giant house that he insisted on, but really, how could we not spend money on it with the amounts we had, he pushed at my body with a tired groan. This is the third 'nap' we've taken, only to end up groaning and moaning every time things got sexual. Touchy hands roaming my naked waist and his lips furiously kissing my skin. The usual.

I huffed out a laugh and took the dominant position, shoving at his chest and causing him to grunt out, "Cata!" And I widened my eyes, pretending like I was oblivious to how angered he was. A cheeky grin crossed my lips and I gasped in 'astonishment'. Though my false surprise was see through, and with his pretty, tired, pale green eyes he glared at me. His lengthy brown hair tussled onto the pillows, large, warm hands lonely at his sides. His dark eyebrows furrowed, plump lips pressed together.

"What?" I breathe out, raising my eyebrows with mockery. A sheet separated our mid-halves while my eyes meet with his, our staring eventually turning into pointless shoves and loud screams whenever he leaned to his side, almost tossing me off the cushioned bed. I laugh breathlessly before he slips his hand underneath the sheet and his large hand slaps loudly onto my ass. My lips press tightly together to hold back a loud yell or a shriek of surprise, whichever. "Harry, not so hard, my god," I hiss at him, pushing aside the sheet and turning my head to get a look at my rear. My reddened rear.

This is when he laughs and smugly squeezes my hips, wanting to gain my attention even after purposefully making my behind -- that he loves to squeeze and smack so much -- a pinkish color for a temporary fraction of time. I give him a warning glance before I'm leaning down and pecking his lips. "I need to shower because all we've been doing is having sex and eating, and then napping again."

Harry purses his lips, frowning. "Hm...I don't see what's so bad about that."

"It's not. It just smells like too much like sex right now, and we're both disgusting. So c'mon, shower time," I encouragingly state, wanting to get off of him, but his greedy hands pull my arms, causing my body to lean against his once more. I sigh irritatingly, only to be distracted by his soft lips and the way they kiss mine effortlessly. My eyes eventually shut, hands slipping through his hair and my legs entangled with his in the mess of white sheets. When I pull away from our soft kiss, he only leans up to close the distance between us once again. Harder kisses and more desperate, rushed touches. We have all day, why do we rush? It's just the way we've seemed to like things.

He pulls away the sheet that separates us and with caution turns us over, his body over mine this time. He leans on his elbows, pausing our kissing to huskily mumble, "Wanna go again, baby." I feel his hardening dick on my thigh, already. I roll my eyes and sigh, shifting to find a comfortable position. Harry's hand slips up and down my right thigh, his lips pressed repeatedly to mine. While I tightened my grip on his hair, his hand pushes my thighs apart even further. With no hesitation, two of his fingers run up and down me. And I can't help but get turned on. Christ.

When he's finally done making me shudder with his hand, he gets right to it, slipping inside without having any difficulty. I wrap my arms his neck, inhaling deeply and biting down onto my bottom lip when he begins to thrust, hardly ever missing any of my vulnerable spots. Like always, he presses kisses all up and down my neck, biting and sucking. Our breathing escalates and I sigh with a loud, yet soft hum of appreciation for the way he makes me feel. His pace is slower than usual, spending a lot of time on me while one of his hands squeeze my left breast before that same hand grips my thigh and angles my leg up higher. I moan gently at the slightly different angle, feeling total bliss even with our sticky skin and laziness.

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