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        NEXT DAY, 9:09PM 

        He was cynically in love with being in charge, dominant over my recessive character. He was shredding the potential I had to be merely equal to his demanding genetics. I felt like I had to fight him every time to feel less inferior in his gaze, in his presence. 

        I just wanted him to feel frustration, anger. To the maximum. I'd have to be merciless, and I have quite the trouble masking my emotions, but it became easy just when I slammed the door and realized I told him to go fuck yourself

        I'm tired of going around in circles. I can't take much of it, not as much as he can. He couldn't have been more right when he insisted I was sensitive. I am, I won't lie. I tend to cry a lot in tough situations, in which others would not. But, I'm also very determined. 

        Harry was working since six in the morning today. He hadn't asked me for anything at all. In fact, we were not on speaking terms. Sounds very familiar. 

        In the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror behind the sink. I wasn't going to ask him for anything either even if it were to satisfy my boredom.

        I wasn't going to "infuriate" him with nothing but questions he always said I would never get answers to. 

        And maybe that was for the better, as he said. We wouldn't establish anything or discuss, so I could go insane and he could effortlessly walk away without a care.

        As of right now, I had nothing better to do than fix my hair, make sure every inch of my body was smooth, and of course point out every single flaw I had. It was easy to state the things I hate rather than the things I liked. 

        But, like always, I wanted to bury that self-conscious trait of mine deep down where I won't make notice of it. Until this day, I wasn't thinking about how I looked or if my hair was frizzy. I was too busy getting chased by wanted criminals. 

        A hard knock startled me slightly. I snapped my head up to look at the door, my heart in my throat already. 

        "God, you've been in there for two hours, Catalina." Harry snapped angrily, and I could just see his vexed expression and the vein now prominent in his neck. 

        I forced my tongue to stop and my lips closed. So we would know I'm still inside and clearly alive, unfortunately for him, I purposely dropped a small bag of necessities to the floor. It made an audible noise I'm certain he heard. 

        But still, I said nothing when he knocked again and furiously threatened me. I was half naked, only a small piece of pink fabric covering me below the waist, but that was it. My topless, bra-less upper body would sure do the trick. 

        I swallowed any self-doubt I had about my body. It was more clear than anything that he was attracted to me physically, and if it hadn't been I'm sure I would have stumbled forward and opened that door to apologize. I won't this time. 

        "I swear I'll break down this fucking door, you little--" 

        With an angry frown, I turned up the water from the sink, the flow louder and much more audible than before. It made him stop talking, as he realized I was purposely trying to get him to shut up. 

        Very familiar, I thought to myself. 

        Harry seemed to walk away after that. I wanted to be oblivious to his anger and his gaze, or any contact and reference to him. He couldn't get his way, so I'm sure he's overly pissed off about it. 

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