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        chapter song; bulletproof (foamo dubstep remix) was seven votes away from reaching my goal last chapter, so thank you for everyone who voted! <3 

        There weren't anymore questions asked. Harry had to figure out what he wanted to do without me. I forced myself to swallow every last insult and the angry testifying I had within me. It begged to leave my body, but I refrained from letting myself waste my breath anymore. 

        I had my bowl of cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Harry worked at his computer nearly none stop, and I had looked through the files on my own. 

        We hadn't spoken to each other at all since yesterday morning, which makes things much more uncomfortable than they have been for a bit now. I tried not to left it affect me. But the way my body reacted to his whenever we were in the same room would nearly drive me insane. 

        Tonight, I decided to do my laundry. It's about time I did something other than worry and be upset over things I clearly had no control over.

         It failed me once I had gotten in the shower, and realized that my clothes and towel were all left by that room near the kitchen. I closed my eyes and groaned in frustration. 

        I stepped out of the shower, skin still glistening from the water and the growing goosebumps beginning to surface on my skin. I attempted peek my head out from the bathroom, glancing up and down the hallways for any signs of Harry. 

        The light of his bedroom was turned on, and the door was closed. I thought if I could make it to that room quickly, I'd avoid any awkward encounters. On the tips of my toes, I rushed down the hallway with my hands over my bare breasts. 

        I felt like laughing at myself once I reached the room. What would anyone ever say, seeing a naked girl running like a gremlin down the halls?

        Breathless, I turned the door knob and entered the room. There were folded towels on a shelf, and I took one down and began to dry myself and then quickly wrapped it around my hair. My dried clothes were in the dryer, and I quickly picked out a pair of purple underwear and some random white bra I found.

        It was the quickest I had to getting dressed to an extent where it was appropriate. I then quickly searched for a shirt, but didn't have time to give myself when I heard a car door slam just outside the house. 

        From my crouching position, I raised my eyebrows and forced my hearing to a point where it might have hurt before the sounds blew holes through the silence. Before my eyes, glass began to shatter on all the windows. They burst and shattered, the couch filled with holes, materials flying around in the air as I fell to my knees again, shrieking my throat dry. The towel slipped from my head onto the floor.

        I closed my eyes tightly. Bullets after bullets after bullets penetrated the house. The glass burst and pieces of it fell upon my skin. I walked on my hands and knees, already feeling the tears of absolute terror stinging my eyes. 


        My head snapped up as I leaned against the kitchen island, crouching and bringing my hands over my head. I cried out Harry's name like a coward, because after all, without him, I would have been dead. 

        A sense of comfort warmed me for a few seconds as through the loud, exhausting noise of bullets, Harry's image appeared in front of me. He crawled rapidly towards me, wrapping his arms around my smaller frame and setting me in front of him, sitting himself against the island to protect my body from the bullets. 

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