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A/n helloo my loves! I'm writting this at the beggining so you will actually read it! I really enjoyed writting this,Jaythan was my life(I adored Jaythan) and I love Nathan and Jay even now when there isn't any more The wanted.

Anyway this has been a bumpy ride,Now more then ever Vote or comment if you want a sequel?! because I have some ideas for one..Much love to all my readers! and Jaythan forever right?❤


Four years later

"James! hurry up were gonna be late for aunt Ashley's birthday"I shout.

"I'll be right there daddy"he said.

That was James.He is my son,well mine and Jay's son.He's an adorable 5 year old boy and he's all ours.We adopted him a year ago.

"Relax baby we will arrive on time"Jay said wrapping his arms around me.

I turn around and smile at him.Yes,me and Jay are still going strong.We are now happily married for four years.I launched my solo career three years ago and surprise surprise it went really well.People see me as a promiseing solo artist.Jay launched his own clothing line and is well known in that bussiness line.

We bought a house down street from Ashley and Luke two years ago and been very pleased.

I was awoken from my thoughts when Jay pressed his lips against mine.I smile into the kiss and pull away when I hear James running down the stairs.

"Daddy Jay will you give me a piggyback ride to uncle Luke's?"he gave him the puppy dog eyes.

Jay laughed and picked him up while James squeeled with excitment.

We walk outside and make our way towards Ashley's house.I ring the doorbell and Ashley opens the door smilling.

She goes for a hug but it's very awkward because her big belly is in the way.Yes,Ashley and Luke are expecting their first child.They spended these four years traveling around and expending Luke's career and they finnally decided to settle down.

James stands infront of Ashley and rubs her belly.

"When will lil baby play with me?"he asks.

Ashley smiles. "you will have to wait just a little longer Jamm"

"Well don't just stand there get in,Luke is barbecuing in the back yard"

Jay takes my hand and we make our way to the backyard.

"Oiii The Sykes-Mcguiness fam is here"he shouts.

Luke has changed alot since Ashley got pregnant,in a good way afcourse.He couldn't take his eyes off of her.They were so adorable.

"Uncle Lukeeeyyyy"James shouts and runs up to Luke,who picks him up and spins him around.They got on so well.

"Jay,Nathan come take a seat,Ariana and Jai will be joining us later on"Luke smiled.

Before anyone asks,Jai and Ariana married six months after our double wedding.It was the most beautiful wedding ever.They have one daughter-her name is Rebecca and Ari is happily expecting their second baby.So the Brooks twins knocked up the Grande sisters haha.

Jay and me take a seat near the pool when I see Rebecca run into the backyard.

"Jamesssssssssssss"she screams and they run into eachothers arms.

Jay takes my hand and squeezes it.I look up and kiss him gently.When I pull away I look back and see a very pregnant Ariana walk into the backyard.He stumbles over to us and sits down.

Moments later Jai joins us and sits behind her,resting his hands on her belly.

I look around.

Ashley and Luke.Him bending down and kissing her belly and her smilling wide.

Ariana and Jai.His arms on her belly and her kissing him lightly.

Rebecca and James.Chasing eachother around the yard,smilling like loonatics.

And then there's me and Jay.His arm around my shoulders and me resting my head on his shoulder.

Everything is perfect.This is all I ever wanted.I married the love of my life.

I look Jay in the eyes and he kisses me passionatly.I still get the same spark I got four years ago.Our sparke will never ever fade.

"I love you James McGuiness"

"And I love you Nathan James Sykes"

Final authors note!

~sequel? yes/no?

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