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"B-b-but...ehm...w-w-w-what!?" I stuttered. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

"Gem? Are you alright?" Blaine shook my shoulder, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"I-I-I don't know..."I trailed off.

"What? What's wrong? Do you need something?" He gushed.

"Ehm...can you get me a glass of water? I feel a bit dehydrated." I smiled at him. He needs to leave. I have to talk to Jake.

"Uh yeah. Sure. I'll be back in a minute," and he walked off.

I waited until Blaine had disappeared behind a crowd of people before getting up from the table. What am I thinking? What am I going to say to him? Hi I'm your old best friend and you left and ruined my life? That would go down great! My mind was telling me to stop but my body led me on. I don't want to talk to him. What if he doesn't remember me? What if he hates me? What if, what if, what if...constantly running through my mind. Just fuck off already!

I was halfway across to him when I was stopped in my tracks by four girls. One stood directly in front of me, the others were clearly her "backup" It was really rather intimidating.

"Do I know you?" The lead girl asked, with a sickly sweet smile. What a fake.

"Uhh..I don't think so." I sighed.

"You seem incredibly familiar...did you use to go to our school?"

"No" I said bluntly. I just want to get to Jake.

"How do you know Ebony?" I gulped hearing my cousin's name.

"She's family."

"Oh! I know! You came to her party ages ago! The princess one? You probably don't remember us. I'm Anna, this is Kayley, Macey and Santana. Gosh. It has been so long."

"Oh right. Yeah." I faked a smile. She did not look the same. Her face was so covered in make-up she was basically a barbie. She was dressed like a slut, the top of her dress cut low, the skirt stopping barely past her ass. And her heels! Why would she wear that to a funeral? Her hair was obviously bleached blond.

"Oh I remember! Its great we can see each other again!" Santana smiled.

"Pity it's such a sad occasion." Macey said bluntly. Definitely not sad.

"Yeah. Pity." Kayley said, suppressing a laugh. How dare she? They were friends! You don't laugh at a funeral!

"Do you want to meet some people? I can show you around?" Anna smiled. I nodded. I didn't want to speak or hang out with these people, but I can't be rude. Maybe they'll stop me from talking to Jake...

"I never caught your name?" Macey dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Gemma." I didn't say anything more. We walked in silence.

I was horrified to see that they were leading me right towards Jake. But he wasn't alone. There were three other guys. To be honest all of them looked incredibly hot. Including Jake. Wait, WHAT!? I can't think like that about Jake!! He's like my best friend! It's wrong!! Shut up you stupid brain!!!!! Anna dragged me through the crowds to the boys. Ugh! We reached them too quickly. I thought I was going to vomit.

"This is Daniel, George, Mike and Jake. Jake's my boyfriend!" Anna smiled, emphasising the word boyfriend as if it was a warning. Bitch. That's my best mate! You don't control me you fuck! Why would Jake date her anyway? Just look at her for crying out loud!

"And this is Gemma! She's family of Ebony." Santana chirped in.

All the boys smiled at me, Jake looking a little bit confused. I waved hi and got three out of four waves back.

"Jake! Don't be rude! Wave." Anna said, kissing his cheek. He was going to wave but it did not take long for Anna to shove her tongue right down his throat. Eww.

I looked away awkwardly, praying they would stop.

"Sorry, but do I know you? You seem familiar..."Jake smiled at me. He didn't remember. That slut brain washed him. How could he forget. We've only been best friends for our whole lives!

"Ugh yeah! We were best friends our whole childhood. We lived on the same street our whole lives. We spent all our available time together. Then you left. Promised you would keep in contact. Never did. Ruined my life. Not ringing any bells?" I ranted, getting pissed pretty fast.

"Huh. Oh you were the girl who's dad nearly killed her?" He stared at me. Really!? That's what he thought of when he sees me?

"Don't say that. Ever." A voice growled from behind me.

I turned around to see Blaine standing protectively behind me, my water in his hand.

"Who are you?" Jake frowned.

"Ebony's sister. You know that girl you lot bullied to death?" He snarled.

"WHAT?!" I cried out, astonished.

"Shut up Gemma. No-one likes you." Anna glared at me.

I felt my eyes well up with tears. This day could not get any worse. My cousin was stuck in a hole in the ground. My best friend remembers me for the most useless shit ever. My best friend and his slutty new girlfriend and his other friends had led my Ebony to kill herself. What have these people done to Jake? He would never do this back at home.

"You say a thing like that to my cousin ever again and you will wish you were never born!" Blaine slung a protective arm around my shoulder. I had never thought of him being aggressive.

"Don't say a word to my girlfriend!" Jake yelled. It was terrifying. Why is he like this?

"Or what?" Blaine smirked.

I didn't get a chance to think. Everything seemed to slow down. Jake swung his arm, hand in a fist, and punched my cousin right on the nose. Blaine stumbled back, covering his face. I looked back at the new Jake and his friends. They all smirked at my poor cousin.

I didn't think twice. I stood at my full height and shoved Jake. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A PRICK!" I yelled.  A crowd was forming around us, all nosy people desperate to know what was happening.

"It's a weird thing. You may not have experienced it. It's called growing up. Maybe you should try it, Gemma." He spat out my name as if it was venom.

The tears started to spill. I could see my mum and aunt Beccy forcing their way through the crowd. They probably heard my shouts. I looked back to where the group of bitches and bastards were, but they had fled. I knelt to the ground beside my cousin and cried. I leaned into his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

"What the hell is going on here?" My mum looked alarmed by our state.

"Just some asses who needed to be taught a lesson." Blaine responded.

"Blaine! Your nose! What is going on? What's wrong Gemma? Why are you sobbing?" Beccy looked down at me.

"J-J-J-Jake!" I coughed out. "H-he's here." I let out another sob.

"I think I should take Gemma home." I knew my mum would understand.

"Oh okay. I'll see you at the house." Beccy tried to smile.

"No. Our home. I'm sorry Becs. We'll call as soon as we can. It's just to emotional at the moment." Mum hugged Beccy tight, and then Blaine. I did the same but in reverse order. Mum took my hand in hers, it was comforting, and led me out onto the cold night street.

We stood for 10 minutes waiting for our taxi to arrive. It finally did and just when it was about to drive off I spotted eight figures at the other side of the road which I really wished I had never met. I just wish I had never met Jake...I would already be dead then.

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