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I walked around the kitchen, desperately looking for my phone. I was going to be late for school....again.

"Gemma! I'm just leaving! Don't be late for school!" Mum called down the hall.

"Bye mum. I won't!" I called back. I heard the door slam behind her as she left. "Where is it?" I asked myself. I sighed. Useless. I grabbed my bag and was just about to leave when the landline rang.

"Hello?" I asked picking up.

"Looking for something?" a deep voice asked back.

"Jake! I need my phone back!" I shouted at my silly best friend. Oh how I loved him.

"All right! Calm down! I'll give it back at school! Don't be late. Mr. Mathieson will not be impressed!" Jake laughed.

"I wouldn't be late if you didn't steal my phone! I have to run! Bye!" I sighed, glad to not have to panic.

"Bye babes!" he said before hanging up.

I quickly grabbed my bag and keys and left the house, locking the door behind me. I sighed and began the 20minute walk to school...with 10 minutes until first class...yay!

I reached the school and walked into English. The whole class stopped and stared at me. I looked at the floor and scurried to my seat next to Jake.

"Glad you came to join us, Miss Dorson. Maybe one day you shall be in time to my class, hmm?" Mr. Mathieson asked.

"Yes. Sorry." I replied taking my books out. "I hate you!" I grumbled to Jake, who let out a light chuckle. He nudged my knee. I looked down and swiftly grabbed me phone from his hand, tucking it safely inside my pocket. The class continued, taking forever. Finally the bell rang for break.

Jake and I left the classroom and walked the narrow hallways to the maths department to meet Jane and Oscar, my other friends. We were close, but not as close as me and Jake. Jake was everything you look for in a best friend. I've known him since birth and we have always been there for each other, through thick and thin, he would never let me down.

"Heya dudes!" Oscar called when he saw us. I smiled and waved, weaving my way through the crowd with Jake not far behind.

"How was english?" Jane asked, in her happy tone that she always had.

"Shit!" Jake responded for both of us.

"Maths?" I asked them.

They looked at eachother and responded simultaneously, "Shit!"

We continued on with break, going to our spot beside the car park where no-one ever went. We always got a long and coud have the oddest of conversations without it being awkward.

"So Gemmy Wemmy, what ya want for your birthday?" Jake asked, looking down at me, he was about 6ft when I was only 5ft 4.

"Nothing!" I said smiling up at him.

"Aw come on Gems! Your birthday's in two weeeeeeks! You have to help us!" Oscar sighed.

"Ye babes! You're turning 17! Finally catching up to the rest of us!" Jane laughed beside me.

"I really don't want the attention guys! What I really want is a night in with my mates, just chilling! Got it?" I asked, looking around the circle. They nodded simply. I knew they would find me something, but it didn't matter. It was their choice. The bell rang again signifying that I had drama with Jane. We linked arms and skipped down to the drama department. Today we were performing for the little kids who were about 5. It was brilliant because we got to dress up like complete retards and no-one could judge us.


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