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"WHAT!?!?!?!" Jane shrieked in my ear. Damn that hurt. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S COMING BACK. THIS IS A BLOODY-"

"SHUT UP JANE!" Oscar cut across her. She glared at him but stopped yelling.....thank god. "So Jake's coming home....well maybe we can short this can talk to him and you can be best friends again?"

"Are you kidding? There is no way in hell Gemma is talking to that prick. Did you miss the whole drama at the funeral?" Jane snapped.

"No. But maybe they can move past that."

"Or maybe Jake needs to learn to stop hurting our Gemma."

"Or maybe Jake and Gemma can work this out."

"Or maybe you guys can shut up. You're giving me a headache." I groaned, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Sorry. But what should we do? What do you want to do Gem?" Jane looked at me.

"I don't ever wanna talk to that bastard's not like it matters. He doesn't remember me anyway."

"So it's sorted. You don't need to talk to Jake and we'll help you guys keep your distance." Oscar smiled reassuringly at me. I gave a small smile back.

"Come on. We'd better get to school. We have 10minutes so if we run we might make it." I grabbed my bag and put my coffee in the bin. We started the sprint to the school, not that it mattered if we were there on time or not. It's the time of year where the teachers have just stopped caring.


Ever since I've told Oscar and Jane about my bitch crew issue things have gotten a bit better. When I'm around Jane and Oscar they tend to keep their distance. I do get quite a lot of comments when they pass me in the corridor but I'm so sick of their shit that I've just stopped caring. I always make sure that after class I run to the meeting spot, where one of the two of my best friends is always at. I feel so safe. But we go on holiday tomorrow, and Jake comes home. And Jane is going to Alaska for some random reason and Oscar is going to visit family in Wales. Which leaves me deal with Jake. But I've been ordered to call if anything important he tries to murder me or something...cause thats very likely. 

Anyway as I walk home that evening the snow begins to fall. And I don't have anything against the snow....but I'm in my school uniform and I'm not very covered up and it is fricking freezing! I decide the best thing to do is to run. So that's exactly what I do. I sprinted down streets trying as quickly as possible to get out of the snow which is falling rather briskly now. I reached my house, slotted in the key and slammed the door behind me. The sudden heat from the house causes me to shudder. I drop my bag and walk through the house to the kitchen. On my way down the hall I notice the wall mirror and holy shit I look like a walrus. I'm not sure why walrus but that's just what I think when I see myself. I sighed in disappointment at the sight of myself and went to make some hot chocolate. I'm not really big on hot drinks but when it's this cold anything will do. I walk back through the house, grab my bag and head to my room. I empty the contents of my bag onto my floor and chuck my bag to the side. I pick up the three Christmas presents (Oscar, Jane and secret Santa) and I place them down by the little Christmas tree in the living room. I head back upstairs and turn on my iPod blasting music to fill the silence in my house. I grab my books off my floor and put them in my book case, glad I don't have to look at them until school starts next term. I take my notepad and sit on my windows sill aimlessly looking into the winter wonderland in front of me. It looked so beautiful. 

Then something caught my eye. A moving van. Right outside Jake's old house. No No NO. He isn't supposed to be back until tomorrow. I fling myself onto my bed and snatch my phone, dialling Jane's number.


"Jane it's Gemma"

"Yeah I have caller ID. What's up?"

"Jake is back!"

"What!!!??? I'm adding Oscar to this hang on a second."

"What's going on?"

"Jake is back!"

"He isn't back until tomorrow!"

"What? You think Gemma's an idiot? I think she knows when Jake is outside his house."

"Guys as sweet as your little argument is I kinda need a solution to this..."

"Oh yeah...ehm what do you think Os?"

"I say you stay in your house and don't let him get to you. Don't talk to him."

"Okay. Thanks guys. I'll text you later. Bye"

I hung up and flung myself onto my duvet. Why is my life so difficult?

My phone lit up, signalling I had a text. I reached over and read it.

From: Mum

Hey honey. I'm going to be late home tonight. I have a Christmas work dinner. Can you please go down to the corner shop and buy some bread for toast? Make what you want for dinner! Remember veg! Love you xo

To: Mum

OK that's fine. I'll head out now. Love you too xo

Perfect. Just fucking perfect. I now need to go to the corner shop that just so happens to be right past JAKE's HOUSE! I pulled myself off of my comfy bed. I changed into my skinny jeans, hollister hoody and my dad's old t-shirt. I've had it since the day he died. I threw on my boots and put my hair up into a messy bun. Grabbing my phone, money and keys I walked out into the cold winter air. I shivered slightly and kept walking, keeping my head down to try and avoid seeing any signs of Jake.

I heard a small gasp behind me and suddenly my leg was being held onto. I jumped out of my skin and looked down into Caire's eyes. She smiled up at me and I smiled down weakly.

"Gemmy! I'm home!!!" She giggled and hugged me. I wrapped an arm around her and picked her up, giving her a tight hug. Even if I never wanted to see Jake again I would always love this little monster! 

"CLAIRE? IT'S COLD! COME IN!" I heard the horribly familiar voice say.

"IT'S GEM GEM!" She yelled back at him.

I heard feet fast approaching. "Gemma?"

I looked up at him. And then I did the only thing that felt sensible. 

I put down Claire and sprinted home.

18 Years Too LateWhere stories live. Discover now