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I sat in my garden playing with Ebony. I laughed. She laughed. I kicked the ball to her. She kicked it back. We had been out for hours.

"Dinner's ready!" Blaine yelled from the front door.

"Coming!" Eb and I responded.

Just as we were about to pick up the ball and head into the house a gust of wind blew it past my feet and onto the road.

"Can you get that?" Ebony looked past my shoulder.

I nodded and ran onto the road after it.

The next thing I hear is a loud screeching noise. Tyres. I look up. A car. It was speeding down the street. Heading straight for me. I was paralysed. The only thing I could do was scream. And scream. And scream.

Suddenly I was shoved to the ground, hitting the pavement with a thump. I was too afraid to feel the pain. I lay there, another body holding me down.

"Are you OK?" a boy asked.

I nodded me head, looking into his dazzling green eyes.

The boy stood up and took my hand and helped me up. I looked down the road. The car. The all too familiar car. It had crashed. Right into a tree. And by the looks of things if this boy hadn't pushed me out of the way, it would have killed me.

"THAT'S MY DAD'S CAR!" I cried out, running up to it.

"Wait! It might be dangerous!" The boy ran after me.

"Gemma? Gemma! What's all the commotion about?" My mum asked, coming from the house. "Oh my dear lord!" she gasped at the sight of the car.

"Jake? Jake stop! Don't touch the car! It might be dangerous!" Another woman yelled after the boy who was running behind me.

I stopped beside the car. I grabbed the handle and yanked and yanked, but it wouldn't budge.


The boy behind me stood up on his tip-toes and looked into the car. He stared for a little bit and then came down to look at me.

"My daddy's in that car!" the boy whispered, looking terrified. I was too.

I didn't think twice. I hugged him. Our daddy's were both in a car with Ebony's daddy and we couldn't get them out.

"i've called an ambulance. It should be here soon." Aunt Beccy ran out of the house, Blaine and Ebony hot on her heels.

"Are you OK? Gemma. Speak to me! It's going to be OK!" Mum cried into my ear. I couldn't talk, I just cried.

"THAT'S MY HUSBAND!" The other woman yelled out, making me jump. "MY HUSBAND IS IN THAT CAR!" 

My mum took her hand a dragged her away from the window. It was covered in blood and yet I didn't feel ill like I usually would. I could hear sirens in the distance, fast approaching.

Mum grabbed me and the other boy and dragged us back to our front garden and away from the road.

Aunt Beccy took the hysterical woman inside for her to calm down and ordered Ebony and Blaine to go and sit in the bedroom and not come down.

Mum knelt beside me and the boy, looking between us.

"Are either of you hurt? Did you get hit? Are you OK?" She gushed out.

"I would have gotten hit mummy! But this boy saved my life. We're OK. Is daddy and uncle Jim and his daddy OK?" I looked into her eyes.

"I don't know honey. I really don't know." She pulled me in for a tight hug.

18 Years Too LateWhere stories live. Discover now