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Jake stayed off school for ages, coming back the day before my birthday. The second I saw him in the hallway I ran up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waste and held me there. I could tell instantly something was getting him down.

"What's wrong Jake? You refused to reply to my texts and I haven't seen you in ages!" I looked up at him. His eyes seemed darker, they didn't sparkle like they usually did.

"Hmmm...What!? Oh right...em...nothings wrong." He stuttered. He was completely off in his own world, and not a very happy one at that. He released me from his grasp and gave me a very fake smile. I looked at him warily and was about to interrogate him further when Oscar and Jane turned up.

"Hey lads! Hows it hanging?" Oscar asked looking at us.

"Good." Jake and I responded simultaneously.

"You sure? You look kind of awkward? Did we interrupt something?" Jane looked between the two of us. I was away to say yes but Jake butted in saying that everything was fine. Useless. My best friend was lying to me and wouldn't talk to me!

The bell rang for final class which was english...with Jake. We walked in silence to the classroom. Not our usual silence but a very awkward one. We got in and I was about to go sit in our usual seats but he walked off and sat next to Michael, another boy in our class. I frowned at his back and sat next to Emily. Emily was a lovely girl with blond curly hair and we got on well. The class was dull and didn't feel right. I usually would have Jake to joke around with and laugh at.

The class finished what felt like decades later. I got up and left the classroom not even bothering to wait for Jake. He clearly didn't want to talk to me. I was walking down the roud when Jake ran up to me, stopping me in my tracks.

"Gemma! Why didn't you wait?" he asked, looking so hurt I wanted to cry.

"WHAT!? WHY DIDN'T I WAIT!? YOU HAVE BEEN IGNORING ME ALL DAY JAKE! WHY THE HELL WOULD I WAIT!? YOU DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ME!" I shouted at him. Luckily no-one was around from school.

"Stop shouting! I haven't been ignoring you! Why would I ignore you!?" he asked, trying to keep calm.

"You have so been ignoring me! Don't tell me all this bullshit! You're acting odd and I don't like it! Don't talk to me until Jake is back!" I hissed and walked on, leaving Jake behind me.

Thats when I started to cry. I don't know why I was crying. We had gotten into fights before, all best friends do, but this was different, something had definitely changed. I ran home and locked myself in the house and sobbed. I lay on my bed and sobbed for hours on end. I finally got up at five, when I realised I was over-reacting and it was probably nothing. But it still hurt that my best friend didn't feel like he could tell me something. I walked downstairs and was heading towards the living room when I saw a note come in from the letter box. I bent down and picked it up:


I'm sorry for being stupid. Please forgive me! I don't want you to be mad at me on your birthday. I have a secret, but I don't want to upset you until afterwards. Please don't be mad. You'll thank me later, I swear it! Love ya babes!

Jake xoxo"

I sighed and read the letter three times over. Why did he do this to me? I just wanted to be mad at him for a while! He was to irresistable. I whipped out my phone and texted him saying "Forgiven." and put my phone away and sat infront of the TV.


The next morning I didn't wake up in the way I was hoping to. Jake, Oscar and Jane had all jumped onto my bed at the same time, sending me flying. I was a heap on the floor as they all laughed their heads off at my uncomfortable state. I frowned up at them but soon found myself laughing.

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