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"Soooo....when did it happen?" I stared at Jane and Oscar expectantly.

"You can be really intimidating when you want to know that right?" Oscar laughed at me.

"Yes I do actually. NOW ANSWER ME!" I screamed.

"Geez Gem chill! Ehm you know the weekend of Eb's funeral?" I gulped but nodded, signaling Jane to continue. "Well that weekend when we discovered the ehm...depression...we were there for each other and I guess that kinda led us here."

"Awwww I brought ma holmies together!" 

"Oh please never call us you holmies again...that's so embarassing...." Oscar wrapped his arm around Jane's waist and pull her close. She blushed slightly and leant into him. I smirked. How cute! 

"Do you want us to stay the night Gems?" Oscar smiled sadly at me.

"No. It's ok. You guys dealt with Jake. He won't come back." I laughed lightly. He's never coming back.

"Ok. Bye bye Gemmy Wemmy." Jane cooed, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back tightly and said goodbye to Os. 

"I'll see you love birds later then!" I led them to the door and Os stuck his tongue out at me.

Once they left I sat infront of the TV with a pot of ice cream because that's what people do when they're sad....right? I don't really care. Ice cream is ice cream and I'll take any excuse to eat it. I was currently watching a re-run of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and as much as I love this show it does kinda get on my nerves after watching the same episode ten times over...but I had nothing better to do. The snow was falling heavier so a walk to clear my head was out the window and no way was I calling someone to hang with me. This is the best thing to do on such a dismal day. And's not like anyone is gunna miss me if I just stay here tonight. Mum might be mad about the bread but I'll pop by early tomorrow to grab some. She won't notice. 

After watching three episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S I decided I'd had enough and I should go sleep today's stress away. However as I was walking across the hall to go upstairs, the doorbell rang. I swear to god if this is Jake I'm gunna scream.

"Who is it?" I called.

"It's the police. Let us in."

Police? I haven't done anything wrong...have I? I slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey love. Can we come in?" A policeman smiled kindly at me. There was a policewoman behind him. She looked rather down in the dumps...

"Ehm yeah. Sure. Come in. Have I done something wrong?"

"No no dear. It's not you!" The woman said. I frowned slightly. Then why were they here? "I'm Inspector Karen Michaels. This is Constable Robert Hacklemore. Are you Gemma Dorset?"

"Dorson. Yeah I am. Why? What's going on?" I was more than slightly panicked now.

"I'm really sorry darling. There's been an accident. Please take a seat." Constable Hacklemore looked at me. 

"What is going on?" I felt like crying now.

"There was a car crash a few roads over. Your mother was involved...she was taken to hospital as soon as possible. She is in stable condition. But she's in a coma." Michaels said glumly.

Tears were now falling freely down my face. My mum. In hospital. Hurt. This can't be true. "You're wrong. It's a mistake." I sobbed

"I'm sorry sweetheart. We're going to take you to the hospital to see your mum and then the people who will be looking after you while your mum is recovering are going to take you back to their's. It's going to be fine." Michaels rubbed my arm, as if that would offer some form of comfort.

"Who am I staying with?" I choked out.

"The Charlton family. They live just down the street." Hacklemore smiled.

The Charlton's. AKA Jake's family....Ugh why does everything bad happen to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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