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As I sprinted away the only thing running through my head was "run faster Gemma! Quicker quicker quicker!" I skidded to a stop in front of my house. The cold was biting at my fingers and handling my keys was harder than usual. I finally managed to put them in the key hole and swing the door open. I fell in and slammed the door, collapsing to the ground.

Not two seconds after I was laying on the ground panting for breath I heard a loud thumping on the door. 

"Gems? Open up! I need to talk to you. I need to explain." Jake called through the door. If he thought I was going to open the door with open arms he had another thing coming. "Please Gemma?" 

I couldn't listen to his begging so I stood up and went to the kitchen leaning against the counter and letting out a deep sigh. I whipped out my phone and texted Os and Jane.

I saw him. He's outside my door. What do I do!?!?!?

I felt tears in my eyes. This was too much. I couldn't face the stupid boy who led my own cousin to kill herself. The closest thing I had to a sister. 

I placed my head in my hands as I felt the first of my tears start to fall. I don't need him in my life. I'm better off on my own. He doesn't deserve me. He doesn't care.


I screamed and spun round to come face to face with him.

"Shhhh. It's only me."

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here?" I yelled.

"Ehhh we've been best friends for years. I know where you keep your spare key..."

"We're not best friends anymore. You made that clear at my cousin's funeral. Don't even act like you care" I spat out.

"Gemma. I'm sorry alright! I never wanted to hurt you!" 

"Yeah you made that clear!" sarcasm was dripping from my voice.

"Gemma please! I came back here for you! I couldn't live that life without you! I love-" 

"SHUT UP JAKE!" I screamed at him. "I don't need you trying to worm your way into being my best friend again. I'm better off without you." I whispered the last part.

"No Gemma. I don't just want to be your best friend again. I mean I love you. As in I'm in love with you. And I have been since day one. Please forgive me!" He looked on the verge of tears. 

"Too little too late Jake. You caused my cousin to kill herself. You left me alone after promising you would stay and look after me. And now here you are trying to tell me you love me? That's sick Jake. You're pathetic."

"I'm serious Gem. I am in love-"

"Get out, Jake. I can't look at you right now." I looked at my feet. How dare he barge into my house and tell me he loves me. If he loved me he wouldn't have hurt me. Bastard.

"Gem please...."

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Jane came rushing in screaming.

"Good to see you too" Jake sighed.

"Just leave Jake." Oscar sighed.

"You can't be serious! I need to talk to you! I need you guys! You're my best friends. Especially you Gems!" He turned to me, but I didn't look up.

"No! You're the reason her life turned shit. Leave!" Jane snapped.

"How did I make her life shit?"

"You weren't here for her when she needed you the most. When she got beat up every day after school. When she was bullied by the biggest bitches in our school. You weren't here and you were all she needed." Jane sneered.

"Bullied? Gemma what happened?"

"You never picked up her calls. You promised to call at least once a week but that didn't happen. You left her and now she's picking up the pieces of her life again. She doesn't need you to ruin it." Oscar continued.

"Gemma please. I love you. I need you."

"You need to leave." I stated, finally gathering the courage to look him in the eyes and show him I was serious.

He looked back at me, hoping I would change my mind. When he noticed I was done and I wasn't changing my mind he left. 

Once the front door slammed I dropped to the floor and broke down. How could he do this to me? We were supposed to be best friends. It's his fault. It's all his fault.

"Awww Gemma. It's going to be okay. He won't come near you again." Jane came down to my level and pulled me into her arms. Oscar knelt down beside her and put his arm around her shoulders, kissing her on the cheek...wait...WHAT? Once I realised what had just happened they seemed to notice aswell.

"Ehm guys..." I trailed off awkwardly. Jane started blushing and looked at the ground. I started to laugh, startling them both. "Awwww you guys!" I pulled them into a group hug and I could tell they were looking at each other weirdly over my shoulder. It was probably my random change of mood...

"Ehh yeah. We were gonna tell you when all the Jake shit came up..."Oscar said awkwardly.

"It's okay! It's brilliant! You guys are so cute!" I was between laughing and crying so my voice was quite shaky.

"You're okay with this?" Jane stared at me.

"Of course! My two best friends are getting married!" I cried out.

"Not quite there!" Oscar laughed.

"Yet!" I added.

"You're suddenly in a very good mood..."Jane seemed desperate to change the subject.

"On the inside I'm dying...He was my best friend...But this is the best news I've heard in ages! I've been needing something like this in my life...But one request...?"

"What?" They said in unison.

"No PDA around me!" I laughed. They rolled their eyes at me but laughed along. It's these moments in life that I want to save. I don't need Jake. As long as I have these guys I'm going to be alright.

*****Jake's POV*****

I've done this to her. I hurt her. The only girl I've ever loved I caused pain. I thought I saw scars when she ran away. I only needed to be in her kitchen one second to know it wasn't a trick of my eye. And that broke my heart. I am the reason for her pain. She's right. She doesn't need me. She's better off without me. But I need her. She makes me a good person. I can't lose her. She's my princess. If she leaves me I'll die. I'll do anything to get her back. I can't lose my princess. I can't lose my Gemma.

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