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*****Jake's POV*****

I sat in my bedroom. That's all I've really done since the funeral. I can't believe I just saw her again. Gemma. It's been ages since I've seen her. And she has gotten so god damn beautiful....who am I kidding; she's always been gorgeous. 

I placed my head between my legs and sighed. What have I done with my life? Why did I listen to Anna? I needed Gemma. I've been in love with her ever since day one. And nothing would ever change that...why am I going out with Anna? Why would I stand and help her bully poor Ebony? 

A light knock at the door brought me from my thoughts. 

"Hey baby." A horribly familiar voice said in a trying to be seductive tone.

"Hi Anna." I said bluntly.

"We haven't spoken in a while...what's up?"

"Just been thinking about the funeral."

"Seriously? Jeez Jake. Get over it. She killed herself....big whoop. Nobody cares."

"I care!" I sneered.

"Why would you care? It's not like she's important." 

"Shut up Anna! The world doesn't revolve around you. Get you head out of your ass!" I snapped.

She glared at me. "Don't talk to me like that. I'm your girlfriend. You have to respect me!" 

"Nope. I'm breaking up with you. Get out of my fucking house now!"

She stared at me like I'd gone crazy. "You've lost it. You can't break up with me!"

"Well I think I just GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE NOW!" I yelled.

She flipped her hair and stormed out my room. Claire was stood in my doorway, watching the action. As Anna passed her she grabbed her by her hair and pushed her to the ground, causing her to burst into tears. No-one does that to my sister and gets away with it!

"Anna! Don't you dare hurt my sister. I swear to god if you ever hurt a member of my family it will be the last thing you ever do." I sneered. She just glared and walked out.

I ran over to Claire and picked her up.

"Shh Claire. It's OK. Anna's gone. She's not coming back. I promise." I cooed. She hugged me and sniffled quietly. "I'm gonna go talk to mum. I'll join you upstairs to play doll house in a minute OK? Off you pop."

I walked down to the kitchen where my mum was sitting staring at her mug.


"Yes Jake?" 

"I have a question..."


"I was wandering if you'd let us move back home?"

"Oh...why the sudden change of heart?"

"I broke up with Anna and I don't think my life is gonna be so great from now on..." I chuckled lightly.

"I'm glad you've finally seen sense. I'm sorry for moving us. I just thought it was for the best. I didn't realise how much it would hurt our family." She burst into tears.

I hugged her and rubbed her back soothingly. "No mum. You were right. It was for the best. I'm sorry you had to deal with me being a jerk. It might just be better back home...I also need to see Gemma again..."

"Because you love her." She smiled.

"What!?!?" I asked taken aback.

"Face it! Me and her own mother have known for years. Basically since you met. You make it so obvious. I think she's the only person that doesn't know."

I felt my cheeks go red and looked down.

"We can move. Go tell Claire. I'll start organising work and home. Off you pop son."


I lay in bed, thinking about the past. Everything was so perfect. Gemma was so perfect...Gemma IS so perfect.... I still remember the day I met her perfectly....the same day I lost my father and she lost hers. That was a hard time...but we had each other.

What will happen when I move back? Will she hate me? I was a complete prick to her at the funeral....I feel so horrible. I was a prick to the most perfect human being ever to grace the planet. I hope she forgives me.....

*****Gemma's POV*****

I just heard the most horribly news from my mother. Jake is coming back. This is not good. Jane and Oscar gave me a very long rant about forgetting him and forgetting any pain he could cause me. He's just going to come home and hurt me more...shit. I haven't told the other two yet. I'll tell them tomorrow.  In school...they gave me a rant about school too. I'm not allowed to walk anywhere without another friend along side me, just incase any of the bitch crew try and hurt me...but seeing as I only have two friends who are in barely any of my classes could make this rather hard.... but that's a concern for the morning. 

I haven't cut yet. I promised I'd stop. I didn't want Jane or Oscar to be hurt about it. So I'll try and stop...but I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that Jake may make this a lot harder...I'll be fine as long as I have Janey and Os. I'm sure I'll be fine....I hope I'll be fine....



Hello! So I don't really do authors notes but whatever. I'm letting you readers know that my summer holidays start next week (YAYAYAYAY) but I am going away for two weeks...I don't know if I'll have internet but if I do I'll update as much as possible and I'll hopefully be updating a lot when I get home and have nothing better to do.... :/

In other news I would just like to say a HUGE happy day late birthday to IKilledBrieDaisy. She is my absolutely awesome best friend and everyone should go and read her story "I want him, my friend has him. Now what am I gonna do?" 

It's absolutely amazing!!

Anyway happy birthday!!

Please vote, comment, follow! Whatever you want! It really means a lot! Thanks for reading. Love you all! :) XXX

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