Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up the next day due to direct sunlight hovered over my eyes. I forgot to close the blinds yesterday, dang! I lay in bed for a few minutes before it became super annoying.

Wait, this isn't my bedroom.

Suddenly the events of yesterday came rushing into my brain and I mentally 'oh'-ed.

Rubbing my eyes tiredly, I remembered that I didn't take any overnight clothes with me and I was, in fact, sleeping in yesterday's clothes. I guess next time I'll have to borrow some clothes from Eleanor.

I got up from bed and headed out to the hallway, making my way to Eleanor's room. Unsurprisingly, she was still in bed, snoring like a pig. I snickered at her then decided that it'd be fun to tease her about her hang-over. It's currently Saturday, 10:30 AM to be exact.

"Wakey, wakey!" I chirped, "C'mon get up sleeping beauty!"

She grumbled something then pulled the blankets tighter.

"Eleanor. Eleanoooor!" I said.

"Go away." She said.

"You have to get up." I said, pulling the blankets away.

After a lot of arguing she finally got up. She yawned then eyed my outfit, "you slept in that?"

I looked down at my outfit and nodded. "God my head is killing me. And I'm so hungry!" She said sleepily.

I shrugged awkwardly and mumbled a 'same here.'




I was currently seated at the kitchen table. The house looked pretty clean, as if nothing has happened yesterday. I forgot to mention that Eleanor told me she'd bring her maid and a few other people to clean the house.

Eleanor walked in, dressed in a green dress with white polka dots, an outfit I'd never wear. She looked in the fridge then shook her head. "Welp, guess we'll have to go get breakfast today."

"Hey Audrey, can you go up to Caleb's room and ask him if he wants to come with us?" She asked.

I stared at her with wide eyes, is she crazy? "No way." I said, remembering how rude he was.

"Please?" She got her lower lip out. Emilia always pulls that move on me and I know better than to give in.

"Not happening. Never ever." I said.

"Come on!" She said and kept going like that until I gave up and rolled my eyes.

Going up the stairs while humming a random song, I knocked on Caleb's bedroom door but no one was in there.

I halted in my steps when I heard a faint sound of a piano playing, and it was coming from a door near me. There was also some singing and the voice was angelic.

I went closer and put my ear against the door, listening intently to the sound. It was beautiful. After a few minutes I pulled myself together and remembered what I was here for. I went inside and when Caleb saw me, his eyes widened and stopped playing immediately, looking almost... embarrassed.

I'll spare you the boring details, this was a library with a piano, which was kind of a surprise, since Caleb had a million books in his room.

"You sound nice." I complimented and he put his head down and I saw a faint hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Whatever." He mumbled.

"Uh, so, Eleanor and I were going to get breakfast," I said, "Do you, like, wanna come or something?"

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