Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I slammed my locker shut after getting the books out, Blake was standing next to me texting away on his phone, "Let's go." He muttered.

"I'm honestly just so done with people." I said.

He rolled his eyes, "You always say that. What's your reason this time?"

"Natalie Freaking I-Don't-Know-Her-Last-Name's existence." I said, "I swear she's just like a clone of Brittany." I fake shivered and he laughed.

"Cheer up champ," He said, "You'll never see these people again in two years."

"I hope so." I muttered.

When we arrived at class, I took a seat next to Blake and the principle's voice filled the classroom.

"Good morning students," He said after a bit of mic-testing and filled the usual morning news. I completely zoned out but apparently he said something really interesting that Fred himself woke up from his nap. "What did I miss?"

"They're throwing that Sadie Hawkins dance thing." Blake said and I groaned.

Each year our school throws a dance called the Sadie Hawkins which is basically a girls-ask-guys dance. I'm not the type of person who likes to go to school dances but unfortunately for me- Eleanor is.

Fast forward and we're sitting in the cafeteria busying myself, reading a new book while Eleanor was chatting animatedly to George about the dance. She was talking about what color she wanted her dress to be and when he should pick her up and things like that.

If you haven't noticed already, Eleanor, George and the devil herself- Natalie sometimes come and sit with Blake and me at lunch. Caleb is nowhere to be found at lunch time which is kind of weird but I'm guessing he goes to the library. Since that guy surely likes to read. And after what happened the other day, I'm really not in the mood to talk to him.

Like, at that moment, everything felt perfect. It felt amazing, actually.

But it was so so very awkward after that.

He didn't talk to me the entire day.

Blake already got asked by some girl he didn't want to tell me her name, even after a lot of pleading. He said he wanted it to be a surprise.

"So, Audrey." Eleanor asked, "Who do you wanna ask to the dance?"

"Oh I- I don't know." I shrugged, "I don't think I'm gonna go."

Natalie was putting on lip-gloss but stopped, faked a sad face, "Shame." Then continued applying it.

"Come on, Audrey! You're missing out!" She said.

"There's no one to ask." I shrugged again.

She rolled her eyes, "Um, hello? There are a lot of males in this school. Bet I can hook you up with someone." She winked.

Natalie mumbled, "Good luck with that." And I gave her a flat look, getting unnecessarily annoyed.

I wanted, for once, to prove Natalie wrong and I think I'm gonna begin now.

Before I can think twice, I said, "You know what? I am going to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance." with a new-found determination.

Eleanor looked confused, "But you just said- wait, who are you going to ask?"

"William Hastings." I said, lying smoothly. Oh my God, I couldn't get any stupider. Who the hell is William Hastings!?

Everyone was silent and I think I heard Blake stifling a laugh.

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