Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


School was cancelled the next day because of the storm. And I was rather happy about it.

I knew the second Blake and Emilia woke me up by jumping on my bed, laughing. I muttered a few age-appropriate obscenities (because Emilia was there, ONLY because Emilia was there) and internally rolled my eyes.

"Lord save me," I mumbled dramatically.

Emilia was jumping around the room and Blake sat at the edge of my bed, looking rather amused. I leant forward so that I was in a sitting position and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I haven't got a good amount of sleep the night before because I was too darn busy thinking about the whole Blake possibly liking me thing.

Now that I think about it, the possibility becomes more, er, possible. I recall all the times Blake lingered a bit too long in a hug, or the times he stared at me when he thought I wasn't looking, or all the times he'd compliment me randomly. Those were all nice things, and I'm sure Blake did them out of the kindness of his heart, but because my mind's been messing with me these past few days I can't help but think he did them because he might like me?

I was too lost in my own thoughts yet I couldn't help but notice the awkward vibes in the air. The sound of Emilia's loud childish voice vibrating in the air and her feet hitting the ground were the only things saving us from drowning in an ocean completely made of awkwardness.

"You okay there?" Blake asked, half-yawning.

I ran my fingers through my tangled red mess of a hair. "Yep," I lied. "Just tired. I'm fine though."

"Well you should be! I made you hot cocoa..." He trailed and stared at me amusedly as I widened my exhausted eyes. Blake's hot cocoa was honestly the best thing on this planet. He said that his lovely Aunt taught him how to perfect it as a child. He makes Emilia and I hot cocoa every time he sleeps over and it's always amazing. "Now hurry up before it gets cold!"

They both went downstairs as I stretched my sore limbs and tiredly walked to the bathroom. After showering and moisturizing and curling my hair, I went downstairs and was immediately greeted by the wonderful smell of hot chocolate.

"There ya go," Blake said as he handed me the cup with steam coming out of. I smiled gratefully and accepted it. Emilia had a few crayons laying on the kitchen aisle and a coloring book. She sat on a stool that was too tall for her and was coloring animatedly.

I sighed. "Wish me luck today."

Blake looked clueless. "What's today?"

"I'm going shopping with Eleanor," I muttered. "She still believes the whole fake boyfriend lie."

I internally groaned. My God, I got so distracted by the whole Blake ordeal I forgot about that.

"How dumber can this girl get?" Blake snorted.

For some reason, I felt a need to defend Eleanor. She's been my only 'girl' friend in a long while. "She's not dumb, Blake. She's just..." I thought about it for a moment. "Trusting, I guess."

"Whatever you say," he said and sipped his almost-done hot cocoa and I mirrored his action. There was a silence for a while and I got lost in my thoughts again. I got hit by a random thought about the way Caleb's smile forms and smiled instantly. I wonder if Eleanor would bring him along today, I surely hoped not. I would probably embarrass myself, like always.

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