Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

On Sunday morning after Emilia and I had breakfast, I got a call from Eleanor saying if I'm free to study for the science project. The only problem was that Emilia was with me and I didn't know where she would go. So I asked Eleanor if she could come with me and she replied with an 'of course!'.

To be honest, it was going to be pretty awkward if Caleb was there because of what happened last Friday. It wasn't like I was jealous, but there was this strange feeling that Natalie was doing that just to piss me off. Call me self-centered or whatever. But not that it worked.

Even though I might be a little teeny tiny bit annoyed that she kissed him?

NO. Shut up Audrey!

When we arrived at their house, Emilia ran towards the doorbell and rang it. I have no idea why little kids like to ring doorbells.

Eleanor opened the door and smiled when she saw Emilia, "Hi there!"

Emilia smiled back widely and said, "Hi! I'm Emilia and I'm almost 5!"

"She won't be a bother, will you Emilia?" I said.

She nodded her head and Eleanor said, "So we have a toys room upstairs for when my cousins would visit, and there's a TV. What movie would you like to watch?"

"Frozen!" She said and I groaned, "Again?"

"I love Elsa." She said and Eleanor 'awwed'.




By the time Eleanor and I were done studying for the day, she asked me, "Are you hungry?"

I shrugged, "Not really."

"Let's go to Taco Bell!" She said, ignoring my reply.

"Fine. I'll go upstairs to get Emilia." I said, praying that I wouldn't bump into Caleb on my way up.

When I went upstairs, I really wasn't expecting what I saw. Caleb was sitting beside Emilia on the ground, watching a Disney movie while she rambled. He was listening to what she was saying and every now and then he would giggle or nod his head. It was so adorable.

No, it wasn't. Just two days ago he was swapping spit with the evil queen. He's anything but adorable.

"Sorry to interrupt," I said from the doorway, "But we're going to Taco Bell. Come on Emilia."

She pouted and said, "Can Caleb come too?"

I racked my brain for an excuse, "Caleb is allergic to tacos."

"No I'm not."

"Caleb is allergic to... food." I said, cringing at my lame excuse.

He raised his eyebrows, "You don't want me to come with you, do you?"

I scratched my nose, "It's not that, urgh," I said, "It's not that I don't want you to come it's just that... er, fine whatever."




I was currently in the driver seat, Eleanor in the passenger seat with Caleb and Emilia in the back seat. The car ride was filled with Emilia's ranting. That girl sure likes to talk. No one seemed to mind, though.

I watched the street in front of me, the people on their front lawns, some mowing it, some walking up to their front door or their cars. It's fascinating, isn't it? That just like us, those random people we see on the street have lives too. They have their own problems, their families, stories. It's all too strange yet exciting to think about.

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