Authors note *please read*

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So this is me 😅 I would like to talk to the people who actually liked my stories.

Tbh I know I don't write the best stories but I try really hard to make them interesting.
And I know I take a long time continuing my stories but I lost interest just like that........
I just find it not entertaining.
But I found other fanfictions that I enjoyed and hoped to write in the future
I would probably lose some followers but that really doesn't matter to me.
I'm just happy that some of you loved my stories!! 😆😄
So I would like to thank everyone that supported me, commented, and voted my stories
Yes I'm quitting shadamy/sonamy probable forever but yeah :(
I would like to wish other writers to have a great life writing down your ideas :)

Ps: I'm still going to leave my other stories out (even though it sucks) so some of you wont be upset

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