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Hey guys it's me! I'll try and make this chapter longer than the others I'm just really busy btw yesterday my best friends bday that's y I'm busy 😋 I'm glad y'all like the story

No on with da story!

Amy's pov.

The door broke with smoke around everyone in school started screaming running out of the school

Sonic- eggman! what do u want now!? eggman- I need amy rose! where is she amy- amys not here anymore! leave! eggman- it worked it worked!! yes!!

Blaze- what worked? 'OMG they're gonna find out I need to stop this!' amy- 'runs and punches him' don't say anything eggman!

Shadow- c'mon guys were waisting our times here 'grabs out chaos emerald' CHAOS CONTROL!!

Everyone disappeared I can't believe they forgot me! I then heard a fart and looked at eggman

Eggman- opsi 'farts more' haha!!!

Amy- eggman if you say anything I'll kill you with pain and what did you do to me!? 'I picked him up and sit him on a chair I grabbed ropes and tied him up'

Eggman- I created a new machine that will turn people into different genders and humans 'I gasped' I can change the whole world for y'all to suffer and you'll never go back to yourself

Amy- shut up! I can find a way! eggman- it's too late hedgehog! "what do u mean it's too late?"

'Don't forget we have cameras all around you and your friends houses we know everything! 'Laughs evilly and leaves'

He has cameras a-around my house? HAS HE SEEN ME NAKED!!!?? AHHHH I NEED TO TELL MY FRIENDS!! o my gawd!!

I ran for my life he saw me naked he saw rouge naked....well I did find knuckles stalking rouge 'shivers' it was weird

I then broke the door in tails house everyone looked at me and started to say sorry I ignored them and started breaking things I need to find that camera!

Tails- what are you doing Aki!? no! amy- I need to find it!! 'looks at ceiling' shadow- what are you doing!?

Amy- found it! 'gets on the ceiling and grabs out camera' eggman has been spying us trying to know our weaknesses he saw us NAKED!!!

Everyone screamed even cheese u can't believe he pooped out of nowhere or that I didn't notice him 'shrugs'

Amy- y'all need to go to your places and find 2 cameras look everywhere! now! 'as I said that everyone ran man I feel bad for the boys eggman must be gay eww gross

I went to my home and found one In the bathroom and in my room I'm so gonna kill that fat guy 😤

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