No more in this world

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Hey guys the chapter about yesterday I decided to make it earlier becuz today's my dad's birthday and I thought that it'll be a late update but since I have enough time right now I'll make another chapter today

Sonic's pov.

"What do you mean!?" I asked wait wait!! did amy change into a man!? "we gotta go after her" shadow said as we nodded and ran

Amy's pov.

I ran as fast as I can I bet you that I can hear my friends yelling at me to come back and explain

I turned to a corner almost falling and started running to the potion lady it's about 5 minutes until midnight

"C'mon amy your almost there"I said I saw the woman opened the door I was halfway there until someone tackled me

I fell across the ground to see sonic there in the ground too wait did he tackled me?! "what are you guys doing"

"We stopped you from running" knuckles answered "and we want answers" blaze said "you don't understand" I said getting up

"Rose tell us what's happening why did you say Aki's not real?" shadow asked I ignored him and ran I just ran and ran and ran

I saw the potion lady open the door with a cup of glass that must be the potion finally I can get my life back with no worries....finally.....

"C'mon amy I have it right here" she said handing out I was right next to her until silver and tails jumped on me I tapped the glass and it flew into the air

"NO!" I yelled as there's was silence until we heard the glass broke them the cloak turned 12 it's runged


"Please tell me you can make another one" the potion lady looked at me and shook her head "I'm sorry amy but there's not anymore in this world"

After that silver and tails got off of me the potion lady vanished as I got up and looked at the store it disappeared

Sonic came over me and asked "are you okay Ames? who's was that lady?" I felt anger inside of me I liked at sonic and slapped it

It echoed whoever knows how long sonic's head was sideways until he turned and looked back at me with shock

Sally looked at sonic with worried eyes "w-wha??" was all she said I looked at them them I noticed I was glowing it went to bright pink

Everyone covered their eyes except me I felt tears streaming down my cheeks the brightness ended everyone uncovered their eyes and gasped

"Hey guys I'm Aki amy's fake brother" I said everyone had their eyes wide "eggman changed me into this it's called gender change that woman was the only one to switch me back!!"

I yelled at them "until y'all have to ruin everything! the glass broke! everything broke!"

"Now I can't go back to my normal self! I can't be a girl anymore! Imma be a half boy and a half girl for life"

I fell to my knees

"There's nothing else in this world that I can do! it's all my fault! it's all my fault!" I yelled everyone just put their heads down

I got up and walked away there's nothing else here anymore


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