Cuz im a girl

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Amy's pov.

So we went to knuckles's house they wants me to scare shadow since he isn't scared of anything I walked up to shadow and scared him he screamed like a girl and started hitting me

Shadow- you dumass!! 'I ran away' amy- help!! Killer on the loose! It's the girls I tell you!!! it's the girls! Ahhhh!!!

sonic- the girls eh? Sally I want u here tails- cream I want you here too knuckles- rouge babe come here

silver- blazey come here now! girls!!!!! Girls-'gulps come near their boyfriends' boys- 'grabs their girlfriends and kisses them'

Amy- ew! guys! get a room 'laughs' shadow-'looks disgusted' your right Aki amy- he 'blushes' yea um sorry about earlier shadz

Shadow- nah it's alright no one could scare me except you your alright!!! amy- I'm glad now guys I'm heading home bai 'leaves'

Wow what a day I never knew they were fun but when I'm a girl they become just overprotective and boring except cream I never seen her like this

I wonder why they were always carful of me they try to protect me and being a boy is better no one tells you what to do I know how to fight but they won't let me cuz I'm just a girl with a stupid red dress with boots!!

I lay down thinking deep in my thoughts....i never knew they acted like this when I'm gone, they don't seem sad they just don't care do they care or not what will happen when I turn back into a girl

I'm just so confused I don't know what to do 'sighs' ilk ask them when I change back 'sleeps'

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