Girlfriend duh

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Amy's pov.

Wow what a day jk a week has been by and I'm so tired I don't wanna go to school before I got up all my friends went to my room and scared the crap out of me

Amy- guys! it's not funny!! 'I said as everyone laughed their butts off' shadow- let's go Aki were already late amy- but I don't wanna go 'says in a baby voice'

I then grabbed a pillow lay down covered myself and went back to sleep until rouge grabbed me

Rouge- hun your coming with us like it or not 'takes my covers off I groaned' amy- you can't make me

-10 minutes later-

Amy- I can't believe y'all made me Sally- 'giggles' welcome to emerald high amy- hmph not bad

I started walking I saw a few girls checking me out still I ain't lesbo I forgot I didn't bring a shirt oh well

I came in the classroom with my friends everyone looked up from their work

Tails- teacher this is Aki rose amy's bro teacher- 'goes back to work' okay since he looks cool y'all can just hang out everyone- OMG AWESOME!!!!

A couple girls came and told me I'm cute and they wanna hang out with me

Amy- sure I don't mind at all 'smiles' girls- great! 'skips away'

Rouge- 'rolls eyes hey who do you like amy- 'blushes'!! Knuckles- yeah right! you like someone amy- nope I don't I don't 'sweat drops'

Cream- please! mr Aki tell us who u like 'makes puppy eyes I can't stand that'

I then said "guys I have a girlfriend remember I love her and I don't want to lie now stop please" yup lies I need to stop telling them lies

Everyone-oh yeah! 'I then rolled my eyes and chuckled'

The door broke and g-

O my GAWD wat do u think happened!?😱

Sorry for the short chapter cya😋

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