Aki's not real

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As amy went outside everyone looked at each other deciding who's going "I'll go" the red and black hedgehog said as he headed outside looking for amy

The rest of her friends looked out of the window wanting to see what's gonna happen

Shadow's pov.

I walked outside and saw amy leaning on a tree with her head down between her knees crying "rose?" I said she looked up "leave me alone" she said as she sniffled

I sat down with her "what's wrong?" she looked away and answered "it's a secret" I got up and offered her a hand she took it and stand up

"Can you please tell me I promise I won't tell" I looked deep into her eyes she then out her head down and sighed "aki'snotreal" she said fast

"Can you please repeat that" she sighed again and looked up you could still see tears streaming down her cheeks as the moonlight flashes her emerald eyes

"Aki's not real" she said whispering slowly I gasped as she started crying again and ran off I looked down believing this is all a joke

If it wasn't then who was that pink hedgehog??......wait..........!!!!!!!

Rouge's pov.

We were all looking out the window wondering what's happening I then saw amy saying something really fast that I couldn't hear "can you please repeat that" shadow asked did you know I can lip read?

Well that's what I'm doing right now "he said can you please repeat that" I said while everyone else was looking out the window

Then amy sighed and looked into his eyes "Aki's not real" she said and ran off I looked at shadow to see what his reaction would be he was surprised and looked up to see amy running down the street

My eyes widened everyone was asking what? what happened!? she can't be serious can she? then who was that pink hedgehog? was that really amy's brother?

Knuckles- "babe" what's happening???? he asked me worriedly "guys I have bad news" everyone looked at me ready to hear what I was about to say "amy said that" everyone leaned forward "Aki's not real"

Everyone gasped "it can't be!!" "then who was that guy" "was he even amy's brother!?" "was he eggmans inventions!?"

"No" shadow said he was at the doorway looking a little taken back "it's non of those questions" "then who is it" everyone except rouge asked shadow and rouge said at the same time "amy"


srry for short chapter tho

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