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I feel sick I miss amy my amy I miss her so much I can't get my mind off of her there's one thing that tells me this is that....I love her....

I felt splinters poking my back going through my skin not caring of anything just relaxing in a tree finding peace

I need to calm down inside but outside I show nothing.....that Aki boy he looks just like amy just in a male version

I don't get what he means when he said that amy's heartbroken and is never coming back I always wanted to ask him that but he always gets busy by other people

Yesterday was a weird day I actually screamed I guess doctor is gay 'shivers' no ones knows my weakness only rose

I jumped and headed to tails house I looked down and saw his welcome mat I stepped on it and looked at the door I usually should hear rose screaming at faker

All about his fangirl 'rolls eyes' she really loves him but he ditched her for that squirrel I feel bad for her but heck she has me 'smirks'

Wait what am I doing? oh yeah I'm still here standing on the welcome mat I then knocked in then door and cream opened it with cheese behind was he here the whole time?

Cream- hi mr shadow c'mon in everyone's here playing truth or dare.. I came in and saw everyone in a circle sonic- hey shads wanna play?

"Sure faker" it say next to rouge and tails "so who next" I asked knuckles raised his hand

Knuckles- "okay so rouge t or d?" I ignored the rest until I heard "I dare you to kiss shadow" Aki looked at me while my eyes went wide

Amy's pov.

When shadow came in my heart fluttered...wait WHAT!? I can't love shadow!!!! he's my friend my best friend! imma ruin our friendship and and!!

I didn't noticed that cream was moving her hand in front of me "huh?" I said I looked at shadow that was in deep thought

Silver- it's your turn Ames t or d 'I looked at silvs and rouge shoe mouthed said "pick d or I'll kill you" so I said "d"

Silver- I dare you to kiss SHADOW!! 'I looked at shadow who just looked up amy- WHAT!? I AINT GAY MAN!! EW GROSS IM OUT

Sally- please do it for us I beg of you! shadow- never I'm not gay what's wrong with you!? 'I was about to walk out until sonic and silver grabbed me

"WTF man! let go" I saw knuckles and tails grabbing shadow "rape! rape! help!!" yelled shadow I was trying to get out of sonics and silvers grip

Amy- "mommy!!!!" I lifted up my legs kicking like crazy then I got my idea "I have a hammer ya kno'" then they let go "I'm free!!"

Shadow got out of tails and knux's grip and ran behind me then blaze tripped him I looked back and


I opened my eyes and saw shadow KISSING ME ON MEH LIPS!! He then got up really quick so did I and chaos controlled I just lifted my finger hiccuped then fainted while everyone was laughing

Silver's pov.

When they kissed Aki just fainted and shadow chaos controlled out of here we all stared at each with complete silence then started laughing our asses off
I then said

"Paybacks a bitch" what!? he made fun of my hair!!

Amy's pov.

Okay so I woke up an hour later and I NEED TO SWITCH BACK NOW!!! I need to find gayhead right now! but I need help!!! how long has it been!?

I want to be a boy and a girl! ugh this is so difficulting I need someone that can actually help.......TIKAL!! Yes she might understand of what's going on!!

Oh Tikal I hope you'll answer

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