WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!??!

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys srry for the long waiting I'll try and make them on Monday Wednesday and Friday it's just becuz I'm always busy so yeah.....now on with the story!!

Amy's pov.

When we finished the party and all those games I left to head home I'm so tired the sun is about to set and I'm inside my house 'sniffs' ahh it's smells like strawberries and Ice cream.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.v it showed about this guy walking down the street skipping and that it was pink 'chuckles' am I that sexy when I'm a guy?

No wonder the girls tried to kiss me I then turned off the T.v and headed to the kitchen I heated up myself a pizza I then sat down and went into deep thoughts

Hm so if u were a boy then why did everyone gave u so much attention and if I were a girl I'm just a like a nobody just a stupid fangirl that loves sonic which I don't

I looked out the window and saw that it's dark I started getting tired so I headed towards my room.

!I turned off the lights and pulled the covers over me I saw some light on me it was bright pink really bright them it faded away

I panicked WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!!?? I turned on the lights and looked in the mirror and there my nightmare came back


I opened my door and left the house I ran all the way to tikal's house I kicked the door opened she fell downstairs and grabbed a knife "who's there!?" she said

"It's me amy Tikal the potion mibobber thing didn't work I turned into a girl for the whole day and now I find myself a boy again!!" I pouted

She turned on the lights as I folded my arms up to my chest she rubbed her eyes and her arms "well what do you think happened!?" I asked she shrugged her shoulders and told me to follow her

"Follow me"

We went in the basement she looked through her cabinets trying to find something "ah here it is" she brought a big book and gave it to me

I grabbed it and left and small squeak and feel to the ground "TIKAL!!! THE BOOK IS ATTACKING MEH!!" I yelled she literally jump in the air all scared and glares at me

"U almost gave me a heart attack!!" she said angrily and rolled her eyes

Tikals pov.

Well I found the book that I'm able to carry I then handed it to amy I then heard a loud thump and "TIKAL!!!THE BOOK IS ATTACKING MEH!!" she yelled that scared the crap outta me I jumped in the air and glared at her

I rolled my eyes and looked in the cabinets again and aha!! I found the ingredients that amy gave me earlier "so what happened!?" she yelled all of a sudden

"Calm down girl I just took these out" she stomped and walked upstairs..what on earth is she doing "Tikal? do you have amy peanut butter??" she yelled from upstairs "yeah! it's on the right of the sink" "thank you!"

•17 minutes later•

Amy then came back down stairs with a PB sandwich humming some music "what were u eating up there!?" I asked she said "ITS PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME" I sighed as she was dancing

"Get your ass over here and concentrate!!" I said she nodded and quickly followed me to a table "so what do you think happened?" She asked

I answered "I didn't add the potion!!" "WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!??!" Oh boy "calm your tits down everything will be alright just calm down" I laughed nervously

Amy's pov.

I'm so mad at her! "Tikal you better do something!!" I said angrily she then said "um..I...uh...'sighs' sorry amy but I can't there's nothing for me to do here I hope you'll forgive me" I started tapping my foot with anger

I can't stay mad at her she's helped me a lot "I forgive you Tikal thanks for trying anyway" we both hugged and said each other goodbye I walked outside to see the sun about to rise up

I put my hands in my pockets and found a card? wait that woman from the store maybe she can help me!!!!!

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