The but word

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Amy's pov.

I quickly ran to the store and knocked the door really loud so she can hear me "WOMAN THAT I MET EARLIER I NEED YOUR HELP!!"

She opened the door and stepped aside "amy? but your a girl" I looked down and saw my tank top half ripped and my underwear o boy "yeah but last night I turned into a boy and now I'm a girl"

She turned around with her back facing me she grabbed another heavy book and gave it to me which made me fall again "WOMAN THIS BOOK IS HEAVY!" she chuckled and took it away

"Hm let me see aah here it's called gender change it's means that you'll turn into a man by night and a woman by morning like a werehog" I almost passed out until she said "I can fix it"

"YESH!" "But" oh no the but word is bad "this will turn permanent so take your time and choose of who you want to be"

Well let's see being a boy is awesome I get to be with the boys I get to have fun for the first time and no one telling me what to do for my safety

And a girl you get to be with girls at sleepovers get to have a boy friend be left out and being yelled that it's too dangerous

'Sighs' "I want my old life back" she smiled and answered "you made the right choice amy rose now don't worry but this will take until this Friday is that okay?"

I nodded and thanked her she gave me black shorts so they won't see me in my underwear and left I walked outside to see the sun shining the birds singing

I ran to the park and looked around and heard someone "rose?" I turned around and saw shadow "hey shadz" he blushed at the nickname awe how ador- AMY! shut up!

He then said "I was looking for you everywhere well everyone was" I tilted my head "why?" "because we wanted to ask ya something" "and what is it?" I asked he was about to answered until everyone Came

Rouge- "hey hun where were you?" amy- at the park why do y'all need me" sonic- "well cream wants to invite you" Sally- "for a sleepover were all coming!"

"Cool what time?" I asked knuckles answered "Friday at 7" uh oh "sure I will love to come 'smiles' but where's cream,tails, silver and blaze?" I asked rouge then said "making sure they have the things for the party"

"Okay" then we all left to our things to do except shadow he asked if we can both hang out and I said yes at the corner if my eye I could see him dancing

He's so cu- AMY ROSE I TOLD U TO SHUT UP!! ugh! just stop thinking about him....there

We were walking around when a awkward silence became between us it's like you have nothing to say until I said something that I wasn't supposed to say

"do you know gender change?" We stopped and he said


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