Thirty one

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It's been three months. Maybe I sound like a freak but I just can't seem to get you out of my mind. I hope you're doing great. I read the other day that you keep going to clubs and getting drunk. That's not good for you Jai. It isn't good for your health. I've also seen picture of you and a beautiful girl. I'm not mad nor sad. I'm happy for you. I hope I could do the same, But I've been told that I'm a freak many times. Do you think I'm obsessing over you? I don't think I am. I was thinking of buying a dog but knowing me I would probably let it die. Haha. I lost my job. Well not really but I haven't been to anything for three months so I doubt I'll have a job when I get there. I had it coming (if the fire me). You know the guest room misses you? Well it does. When can I see you? You don't answer my phone calls anymore. Do you listen to my voicemails? I hope you do. Do you read these or just throw them away? I'm still waiting for your visit. I love you.

Yours truly,

This girl seriously needs to calm down. This is starting to piss me off. I don't answer her anymore because she says the same shit.

"Ready?" Luke asks me.

I nod my head.

We are heading back to Australia for two months. The boys wanted to have more time with the family so that's what we are doing. I'm bringing my friends Liz with me.

She has helped me get through all of this. She thinks I over reacted and that I should go talk to her but I can't do that.

I can't forgive someone that easily.

It's that hard.

"Jai!" I hear her yell. I felt a light weight on my back.

"Shit! Get off you're heavy"

"No I'm not" she laughed. "And even if I am just deal with it"

"I'm joking. You're light as a feather"

"Run up the hill horsey" she yelled hitting my ass in the process.

I ran up the driveway and out of the gates to get to Beaus car.

There were a couple fans outside so I stopped to take pictures. I'm thankful for my fans that they don't ask about Her and I anymore.


I changed into something decent. I grab my keys and step out the door. I put my sunglasses on. I didn't want them to see my red eyes.

I was down at the lobby making my way to my car.

"Heather here!" I heard shouting. I quickly walked past them and into my car.

I drove to the nearest Panera Bread.

I felt like everyone was watching me and judging me. I quickly order my food.

I waited for them to make my food. I kept checking my phone, which I need to get a new one since last time I threw it at the wall it cracked. They handed me my food so I walked outside and smelled the summer breeze.

I need to stop being like this. I walk to a table near by and get out my salad.

I scroll through my phone while I eat alone. Something I will be doing for a long time.

I haven't been out for three months. Many people thought I was dead or something, yes I've been keeping up with social media.

It's been three months and I haven't heard from Jai. I'm starting to think that he will never come back.

I should've never told him. Like Luke said, it's my fault.

I was stupid and wasn't thinking. I was heartbroken because he left me that way. I wasn't stable to bring a child into this world and raise it on my own. I didn't even have a job at that time. I was basically alone because my mother barely showed up at the house.

I finished eating so I grabbed my bag and the trash. I disposed the trash and walked towards my car.

As I was walking along the sidewalk there was a baby shop. Which made me stop and just look inside.

I was window shopping. Everything looked so beautiful.

I wasted to go in there but I know I would just be hurting myself.

I moved away from the shop and continued walking towards my car again.

I unlock the car so I get in.

I drove back because all of this was too much for me.

I parked the car and prayed to God that the paparazzi wasn't outside because I would end up bitch slamming them.

I stepped out the car and was quickly hit with the hot summer air.

Damn it's hot out.


Not again.

I continued walking trying to walk through.

"Are you alright?"

"Where's Jai?"

"Did you two break up?"

"Why have you been in hiding?"

"Is it true you are pregnant?"

I pushed past them.

"You think you're better than everyone so that's why you feel the need to ignore us" one of them said.

"First of all I don't think I'm better than anyone. And second of all I ignore you because you ask some annoying questions and probably I don't want to answer them. So please leave me the fuck alone" I snapped the the guy who had said it.


"Go fuck yourself" I walked through the doors not saying anymore.

I groaned loudly and got a couple stares.

"WHAT?!" I snapped at them too.

I went to the elevator and clicked my floor.


I've been home for almost two hours of me going out and I regret because I turned E! And guess who they keep talking about. Me.

They say I'm shit.

"Sources told us that Jaidon Brooks and Heather Jones broke up three months ago because Jai found out that Heather got a abortion and he didn't agree with it" the lady said. "So we catches up with Jai before he left L.A and this is what he had to say"

A clip of Them asking Jai questions started playing.

"I don't have anything to talk about. She made her decision. That's all. I hope she goes far in life." Jai said.

"Do you ever see yourself with her again?" The reporter asked.

"Not really" he said before leaving.

I turned off the TV because I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Fuck you Jai!" I said out loud.

"I fucking hope you're happy"


I'm so mad because I had wrote this chapter already but Wattpad decided to delete most of it so I had to re-do it and now it's not what I had in the other one.

Well, thanks you all for voting and commenting. It means a lot.

I don't know if they should be together at the end or not.

Love you all so much ❤️

Go read my Luke fanfic and vote for it.

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