Chapter 26. The Last Of That

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"Everybody hand in your story seed." Miss Hay said upon the class' arrival.

I glanced nervously from her collecting the work to my neatly-stapled-together-six-page-three-thousand-and-thirty-two-word story-seed. This work is 33% of my report score. If I completely stuffed this up, then there was no going back.
I nervously hand it to her when she comes to my table. "You look nervous." She says. "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine."

I give out a singular breath of failed laughter. "Let's hope." I mutter.


We were sitting outside for lunch, despite the chilli weather. I was picking at a bag of Red Rock Deli Sea Salt chips. I was surprisingly nervous about this paper.
Sadie must've noticed my anxiety. "How'd the story seed go?" She asked.

"I don't know." I reply.

"You'll be fine." Vegas said. "It's really good. I'm sure you'll get at least a B+." He wrapped his arm around me. I never pictured Vegas to show public affection in a relationship. I always thought he would be the type to only show affection when he was alone with me. I didn't really mind, I guess I was just surprised.

"Let's hope." I snuggle my head into his chest, and hand him the bag of chips. "Want one?" I asked.

"Not really hungry." He said.

"You ate an apple for lunch." I stated. "Take it. My nerves are stopping me from eating."

He glared at me while taking a chip. "I hate you." He said.

"You're welcome." I pecked his lips, earning an "awwww!" From our friends.

I checked my phone for the time. "I have to go." I said. "Three minutes until the bell and my next class is on the other side of school." I waved bye and left them, making my way to my locker.

Once I got there, my eyes glazed over who was around me. I was relaxed until I saw two built bodies glaring at me. I need to walk past both Friar and Holt to get to my class, so I have to think of a plan.

I'm going to play cool, because they just got beat up by my boyfriend (!!!!!) and don't deserve my attention, because I'm too good for them, anyway.

I walk past them, and they scowl. They're following me to my locker. And, because I'm early, the locker bay is empty, which means no witnesses. Great.

I unlock my locker, and take out my books. I shut the locker and turn around. They're still there, glaring at me.

I take a deep breath. "Hi." I said. Then I brush past them, or at least tried to.

A firm hand held my upper arm, so I look at the boys. It was Callum holding my arm. "I have a class to get to." I said. I ignored the lump getting bigger and bigger in my throat.

"I'm sure your teacher won't mind." Friar said.

I glared at him. "You continue like this and I will not hesitate to tell the police about how you're both harrassing me for no apparent reason, and you have been for more than a month." I shake my arm out of the boy's grip.

"And?" Callum said.

I scoff. "You don't want your parents to cancel that trip, do you?" I was going on a limb, but I know that Callum used to go on a holiday to someplace overseas every Summer.

He clenched his jaw. "Fine." Boom. "Then Billy over here will." Oh.

Friar glared at me. "Even better for me."

I glared at both of them. "I thought a beat up would teach you two good. I guess we have to get a restraining order. Let the principal and the police know what trouble you've caused. Rape threats. Beating threats. All to an innocent girl." I purse my lips. "Don't you two understand?" I said. "I'm not popular anymore, yes, and thank God I'm not, because being popular is such a drag. I'm happy how I am. If anything, I'm happier now. I have people that care about me, not a few thousand dollars and a boyfriend I'm trying to bang and dump. Get a grip." I frowned at them as they stared at me, dumbfounded. Did I just outsmart them? Again? "Also, Friar, your girlfriend knows about the threats. She's a good girl. Treat her properly." I shrugged them off as I heard the bell ring, making my way to my class.


I was telling Tyler everything. Everything about the threats, the relationship, everything.

Except, of course, Vegas' eating and name condition.

At the end he just stared at me, his eyes wide. "Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked me, his lips shaped in an "o".

"I was worried you'd tell mum or dad, or Raymond, who would tell mum and dad."

He shook his head. "Don't do that again." he took me into his arms tightly, in a bear hug. I hug back after two seconds of shock. "Don't you dare do that again." He repeated. "I won't tell anyone, but just don't, okay?"

"Okay, Ty." I said.

"And Columbus is good for you." He says, his voice muffled. "He isn't... what did I call him before?"

"A pretentious ass and not good and not nice."

"Uh - yeah. He isn't those things." Tyler said.

I smile into my brother's shoulder. "Thanks Ty." I said. "And I'm pretty sure they aren't going to bother me now."

"I hope so." My brother pulled back, and fixed his disheveled hair. My phone buzzeed next to me. A new text.

I check who it's from. Vegas. I open the message.

Weirdest shit just happened. Weird but amazing. Meet the new addition to the Rossi family.

"Oh my God." I say. Reading the text over and over again.

"What happened?" my brother asked me. "Anything wrong?"

"No." I said. "I think Vegas was just adopted."



Hey guys, so the next chapter will be the last, just to get y'all prepared. It is only, like, 750 words, because I felt it was necessary for the last addition to be the shortest and sweetest.
I love you all so much.

- Elif.

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