Tom Wilson

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"Are you okay?" Your sibling asks, examining your facial expression once more. You groan and shoo her away with your hand. "Well when you're right up my face like that, I don't think I am," you tell her, adjusting the loose strand of your hair.

She ignores your statement with the roll of her eyes. "Okay, okay. But seriously, are you ok? Feeling nervous or anything of that sort?" She questions as if she was some FBI agent.

"Yes, matter of fact I feel great!" You exclaim sarcastically. She had been bothering you all morning about how you didn't at all seem nervous. You supposed that raised some eyebrows, since it was your wedding day after all. After countless amounts of dates, celebrating, cheering, parties, and kisses, you found yourself marrying the absolute love of your life. The only problem, your family disliked his ways. Maybe it was because he fought one too many times - in the game of hockey at least, or maybe it was simply because he didn't fit the standards of your parents. They always believed you'd marry some loyal smart lawyer, not like Tom wasn't loyal, he just wasn't a lawyer.

You check your hair and makeup for the last time. You had to admit you did look stunning, and the gown was just out of this world.

"It's not like I've never seen him before. I think of it as a date," you tell your sibling, referring to the non-existent nerves.

As you arise from the stool you had been sitting on for what seemed like hours, there's a large knock on the door. At first, you excitedly imagine Tom being the door all dressed in his suit as he proceeds to beg to catch just one glimpse of you. Unfortunately, it was your mother, someone far from being Tom.

"Honey, you look amazing," your mother states, not bothering to look you in the eye. You knew if she even dared to look at you, she'd break down. Not because she was frightened of the thought her daughter was being handed off to someone else, but because she wished to deny all of it. In her eyes was the visible glow of disappointment, you hadn't married whom she wanted. You weren't marrying someone that fit her words and perfect description.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She presses, resting both her hands on the counter as she, for the first time, glances into your eyes.


"You could always stop it all from continuing -"


"I have a cab waiting outside."

You look at her and huff in anger and annoyance. She had let it all go on for way too long, now you were drawing the line. Once you were married, she was no longer going to be one to rule over your life. Sure, she was your mother, and yes you absolutely respected her choices, just not when she constantly directed you how to live a proper life.

"Quite the white wedding, except the bride," she mumbles.

"Get over it! I've had sex with him because I love him! We're going to be married and you can't at all except the fact I'm in love with him and I always have!" You yell and desperately attempt to prove your point over the past few years. Since day one you knew it would it was going to be a long risky journey, at least with your parents standing in the way of your freedom.

You push your way past your mother, "now excuse me, I'm off to get married. You can either stay and attend your daughter's biggest most memorable day of her life, or you can leave, which doesn't bother me any considering all the things you've said."

You don't turn away to see the look on your mother's face, but you knew she was blown away by your words. Not happily.

You rush to the church's doors and meet with your father. He has sincerity locked in his dark green eyes, tears daring to spill. "I can't believe the day has come," he says.

"Oh not you, too," you say annoyed, expecting the same words as your mom to escape his mouth.

He knows exactly what you're referring to, so he simply shakes his head no. You furrow your eyebrows in overcoming confusion and then suddenly smile nonetheless. He had excepted it. After all.

"It's time I let go," he whispers into your ear as he links arms with you. Slowly after proceeding his heart touching words, you find yourself halfway across the aisle. Staring down Tom, as he carelessly cries in sight of you. His emotion had always been contagious to you, so then you start crying in hopes your makeup won't get ruined.

You're handed off to the centre of the attention, standing before the priest and in front of Tom. He glows with pure joy and speaks up thoughtlessly. You mouth to Tom, what are you doing. He only smiles and continues, "I am sorry for interrupting, but I just wanted to tell Y/N how absolutely beautifully stunning she looks."

You giggle silently as the ceremony continues. You caught a quick glimpse of your mother standing at the far back, ghostly smiling.

The entire time, except for when it was your time to speak up, you only looked Tom straight in the eyes. You still couldn't wrap your finger around the big thought that you were finally getting married to the man of your sweet dreams. Tom's vows made you break down, as did yours towards him.

"Thomas Wilson, you may now kiss the bride," the priest announces, taking a small step back. The whole crowd, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and eventually, your parents erupt in cheers and howls.

You begin making your way down the aisle once more, only now as Mrs. Wilson. Before passing your parents, Tom lifts you up securely in his strong arms carrying you as his bride - bridal style. You're parents visible smile as they, too, break down into tears. This makes you wholeheartedly beam with joy and full realization.

You were married to your best friend.

After entering and driving in the limousine, you arrived at the reception. It was beautiful, chandeliers, sparkling white floors, and lots of room. You could even exit outside to whiteness the stunning view of mountains. It was perfect.

"Can you believe it!" Tom exclaims while jumping childishly in front of you, grabbing both your hands.

You smile as he instantly leads you to the dance floor. Already, the place was packed with smiling faces. Many familiar and new faces came up to congratulate both you and Tom on excepting everlasting love.

"We tied the knot, Y/N," Tom says, directing you to the centre of the dance floor, located exactly under the huge chandelier. This setting and view you still couldn't get over, especially the man in front of you.

The very large audience surrounds you in a circle, everyone's eyes on you admirably. You took note of how you noticed your parents and Tom's were side by side, chatting and embracing one another kindly. We were finally a family, you think with a smile. It was time for your first dance, the first as husband and wife.

"One more thing," you add, mumbling into his chest.

He looks down at you with loving eyes, the same you could never get enough of. The way he looked at you, you would never forget.

"What's that my lovely bride?" He hums joyfully, swaying you with the music.

"I'm pregnant."

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