Dylan Strome

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Music was blaring though the speakers you recently purchased, and the only action called for was to dance. You were acknowledged tomorrow you may not even be able to walk due to all the wacky dance moves you'd leave on the dance floor, but you figured gaining a head start wouldn't hurt. Tonight was the night where moments became memories and those memories became everlasting. It was the ideal celebration to finish off all of high school. The one very night that not one student would ever dare to forget. Prom.

You glance at yourself once more through the mirror, watching the reflection of someone you barely recognized. Your hair was pinned perfectly, few loose curls falling out the front. Fortunate for you, your aunt insisted her graduation present was to perform her makeup magic on you for the night of prom. There was no denying the fact you looked stunning. The thought of imagining Dylan's expression would be priceless in reality. Considering your head-over-heals in love boyfriend consistently reminded you of how he admired the way you appeared without makeup.

As you scratch away at the stain of some sort of food on your mirror, you notice something shake the tree outside your window. You examine the sight from staring directly through the reflection of your mirror. Suddenly, someone climbs up the humongous oak tree location right dab in front of your window. Getting an instant guess as to whomever the intruder is, you can only cross your arms with a smile plum on your face. You turn around as soon as the tall figure creates a ruckus by attempting to jump straight in your room.

"You missed the bed, Dyl," you sign, shaking your head. After stating the obvious pointer, you immediately rush over to his side. The cold feeling of the solid floor meet the skin atop of your knees while you begin kneeling down facing the direction of your kiddish boyfriend . While you're kneeling on the dirty wooden floor, you assist him with brushing off any remainders of leaves and dirt from his black tuxedo.

You ramble on to Dylan about how your mother hated whenever he refused to ring the front door and just freely decided to crash in your room from climbing the window. He doesn't seem to pay any minding to your words, as for many moments, you can sense the presence of his glorious eyes focusing on only you.


"Mhmm," he hums, seemingly dreamy and totally out of it. There was a toothy grin clear on his happy face, his eyes expressing amazement, and as for the drool leaking out of his mouth, well that stood for something else.

"Remember when I told you that you were a gentle breeze of wonderful? And that I loved you with every inch of my being?" He suddenly asks, awoken from his endless glare.

"Yes," you said, beginning to smirk.

"Well," he started, taking your hands into his before continuing: "I really meant it, with everything that I have. Even if words are nothing more than a few words, beauty isn't just appearance and nothing more. You're some form of wonderful beauty, and if you aren't the most stunning thing on this earth we live on, and if I am not the luckiest man on earth," he pauses to catch his breath, "then I don't know what or who is."

"Geez, Dylan, you really know how to make a girl want to cry," you laugh, untangling your fingers with him, while dabbing your finger under your waterline. Crying was not optional tonight, you remind yourself.

He shrugs, "what else can I say? After all, the most fairest of them all is sitting right here!" His hands raise and gesture towards you with his eyebrows raising in a way that told you he was foolishly joyful.

You groan, not wanting to proceed the night. "I really wish we could stay here all night --" Dylan leans forward and plants a soft tender kiss on your lips, preventing you from speaking any more.

With his strength, he lifts you up off from the cold bare ground. His arms sliding down from both sides of your face, trailing slowly down to your forearms. "The limo's waiting, princess," he whispers to you, his breath tickling the lobe of your ear as he gradually brought himself away from your face.

With all the anxiousness for the night you awaited for your entire life bubbling inside of you, you squeal and run straight towards the door leading to the hallway. "Leggggggo!" He claims from behind you, smacking your bum in a teasing matter.

Once you both reach the main level, the household erupts in claps and hollering. Your mothers then demands for you to strike several poses for the camera. Professional shoots weren't optional when living with extremely cheap parents. You could've sworn you've never seen a day where they decided not to buy something on sale.

"You two lovebirds look amazing!"

You did take note of how fresh and handsome Dylan had looked. His hair slicked back, glowing eyes, jet black tux, his bow tie matching the shade of your Y/F/C gown. Tonight the two of you looked the best you both probably ever had before.

"Dylan, I never realized you rang the doorbell," your father remarks, furrowing his eyebrows as he proceeded to shoot a picture of the two of you leaning on the staircase.

"Nope," Dylan replies exaggerating the p, "I really chose it was best if I didn't disturb the lovely parents of my stunning girlfriend and prom date tonight."

Your mother signs, obviously frustrated with the fact he snook in again. You were lucky Dylan was loved enough in your family, otherwise you wouldn't be surprised if your entire home would be gated with electric wire. "Because creating a large bang does not at all get on my nerves," she mutters.

Just to intimidate your mother, both you and Dylan kiss during the middle of a few photographs. You knew your mom had recognized the two of you had shared some tongue once the look of horror took place.

You grab onto your boyfriend's hand, flying out of the door immediately. "Bye mom, bye dad! Love you!"

"Be safe!"

Tonight was where all dreams would become reality, even just for a night. But besides the occurrence of a meaningful dance you felt ecstatic for, the two of you were bound for something that would be taking everything to another level. It was an event in your life you were certain never to forget, losing your virginity. You and Dylan had the whole night planned for many weeks in advance, and now that it had arrived, you admitted to feeling both nervous and excited.

The limousine ride consisted of you and your boyfriend chatting about minor details of what would happen. He had rented out a hotel, which was typical for a prom night. He repeatedly told you tonight would be the greatest night of your life, and that he was so overly excited about everything. Inside you helplessly webbed numerous of bad premonitions but decided to not to frantically question your theories of what may happen.

Once entering the building, you wanted to laugh at yourself for thinking everyone's head would turn and jaws would drop in just sight of seeing you. It turned out you weren't a loved princess and you definitely weren't royal, you were simply just another senior dancing the night away with classmates. But despite this, you were aware of the fact you may not be some Cinderella, but you were Dylan's princess, and nothing could top that.

The night quickly came to an end, and as suspected, you and Dylan both weren't announced prom king and queen. This, of course, didn't matter, because to each other you felt like another's queen and king. A tiny piece of plastic meant nothing to you, unlike the many others that had been obsessing over it the entire final semester of this year.

But while you happily bounced up in the air with smiles surrounding you for what would be the final time, realization suddenly took over you. This, right here and right now, was what you lived for. Nonetheless, you pushed your worries aside and only focused on the present as you danced with both friends and people whom would only be remembered as classmates. Even if half the night could only be lived through a memory, and even if half the peers within it would no longer stand in the future, you chose to have the best time of your life with Dylan by your side. And for however long it lasted and for however short it may be, it would be memory you'd forever recall.

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