Seth Jones

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"Seth! Careful!" You screech, pointing out the doorway to your totally unfocused husband. He peeks up at you with frightful eyes, chuckling nervously as he only now noticed the wall in front of him. You could only shake your head with a ghostly smile planted across your lips.

Although it was breathtakingly beautiful, it was also rather frightful. You had given birth only a few days ago, today being one of the first days home. Ever since the painful event, Seth hadn't been able to give your little precious baby girl up for a moment.

You decide to allow the daughter father moment to further continue. With this helpful choice, you were finally able to rest in a comfortable position and seat. You thoughtlessly kicked back comfortably and fell into a well deserved nap.

After finally stirring awake from your sleep, your eyes immediately search throughout the room. No sign of neither Jensen; your baby girl, nor Seth. Any other occasion, you would've been trembling in nerves if Seth and a delicate child were left alone paired together.

Instead of calling his name, you figure you might as well go search for him. Unfortunately, this meant it was the end of sleeping and relaxing for a few.

As you march down the long narrow hallway of yours, you peek your head in the nursery room. The walls were painted petal pink with a matching white set of furniture (which happened to take ages to build) and of course up until a few days ago it was missing a precious little baby. Now it seemed everything was complete.

You lean against the doorway as Seth's back is facing towards you. You notably recognize he is cradling your little girl as he rocks her back and forth in his strong yet gentle arms. You wanted to scream, melt, cry and everything else.

He is murmuring and softly humming something that was seemingly unfamiliar. After he quietly sings a few more words, you nearly gasp in realization. It was no lullaby, or the soothing song you had taught him several times - the song that has probably been erased out of your husband's mind. It was Row Row Row Your Boat.

Your hand flies to cover your mouth, preventing giggle from escaping. As you lean on the doorframe, besides wanting to laugh out loud, you stare in awe.

"Great song," you say, approaching Seth up from behind him. He nearly jumps in surprise of your voice.

He sheepishly chuckles after scratching he back of his neck, "it's the only one I know." You cross your arms and glare at him, "yeah?" You trail your fingers up along his back, "'re practically telling me my mother's old lullaby has suddenly never been taught to you?"


You cut him off by carelessly placing your lips onto his. He melts in your touch while you both happily grin during your smooch. "I don't care," you mumble.

The both of you stare down at your beloved daughter in complete awe. The moment you have been looking forward for had finally arrived. The phase of motherhood and cherishing many countless moments with both your husband and daughter.

"She loves you so much, I can already tell," you comment, your voice soft and tender. Seth fixes his eyes on you, his whole facial expression beaming in happiness.

His lips curve into an irresistible grin, "I love both of my girls." After the small quiet chat, you slowly find yourself wanting to rest once more. You had spent quite some time in the pink royal nursery. So you figured it was best, now that your little princess Jensen was asleep, that you too, hit the hay.

You kiss Seth's cheek as he's hovered over the white painted crib watching his daughter as if it was his duty and the greatest thing someone could ever view. Greater than his favourite television show. "Your show is on, by the way," you tell him, laughing slightly.

Seth shrugs, not daring to take his eyes off your little precious baby, "I don't care, babe." Your eyes bulge at his sudden words, he had never ever said to you he didn't care about H/F/S (his favourite show). But within the exact same moment, you realized just how great of a father he was already becoming. Willing to give up sacrifices (that obviously included missing the five hour marathon) that interfered with daddy-daughter, or daddy-duty time.

You pat his back, mumbling the words: "goodnight, hon." A yawn tackled its way through your mouth and by this, you were acknowledged beyond the point you were exhausted.

You gradually approach your final destination for the night, the master bedroom. Yes, the room of magical experiences. You smile and creep through the door, only having to hear loud footsteps gain noise from behind of you. Before you have a chance to act, you find yourself tackled into the white sheets of your kings sized bed.

"Seth!" You scream through the laughter racking your body. You caught several glimpses of his cheeky smile and glowing eyes reflecting the purest from of joy.

He continuously tickles you resulting in your violently loud screeches of pleading for him to release you. You considered yourself on the side of an extremely ticklish person, a curse when living with Seth.

"Shhhh," Seth says, covering your mouth with his hand. You manage to groan and roll your eyes playfully. As you remain under his grasp, he sits up and appears as if he is hunting down something.

Wanting to question his odd actions, you hear the erupt of a noisy cry from down the hall. "Are your dad sense kicking in?" You immediately laugh after he removes his hand from your face.

You skeptically eye your husband with humour wanting to emerge from your throat. He flies out of the bedroom in a hurry, only tiptoeing to the nursery. Shortly after he bursts into your daughter's room, you plop backwards onto the bed laughing crazier than a psycho.

You drag yourself over the fallen blankets and dozen useless pillows, hauling yourself over to the spot your two other lovers stood. You walk into the room with gentle actions taking over, forcefully telling yourself not to attack Seth back with various tickling.

"Thank you." You hear him say, quickly turning his head with Jensen cradled and nuzzled into his supporting arms. You raise your eyebrows in confusion, but nonetheless smile at the cuteness your family had.

Seth smile once more, gazing down at the little bundle of pure perfection in his arms. Now you knew exactly what it was he was referring to. His smile told it all, not even mentioning the same glow in his eyes. "For giving me a daughter, love, support, and everything else in between."

"It takes two to tango my love," you jokingly whisper before continuing: "but we're a team, needless to say, I love you."

Slowly but carefully, you sneak beside the both of them. With your arms tangled around Seth as his remain around your firstborn, the three of you sway calmingly. Although your little Jensen was asleep, she was almost like a reflection of her father, despite the fact she was a girl. She inherited the same sparkling eyes you continuously fall lost into, and besides her hair, she gained everything that you loved about her father.

The here of you made a family, a small family. Though you weren't planning on having any more children for awhile, you positively knew Jensen wouldn't be your last. Small cute moments you shared were now going to be the memorable events you'd remember you shared as a family. Parenthood was challenging, but you couldn't wait to tackle it with your best partner in crime.

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