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Donovan POV~

"Why am I here?" I asked myself as I sat in a chair waiting for the door to the principal's office to open. I've been waiting for about fifteen minutes for the principal to finish a phone call. Not that I really minded though since I was out of that boring classroom. The door to his office soon opened, the head of the principal sticking out of it.

"Donovan you can come in now," the principal said. Getting up from the chair I walk into his office, closing the door behind me.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked sitting down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Yes, I want to talk to you about your grades. You are currently failing all your classes. The only one you aren't falling is P.E.," he said folding his hands on his desk.

"Is that all?" I asked rolling my eyes. I already know that I'm failing my classes, I don't need him to tell me something I already know.

"No," he said, a bit of annoyance seeping through his voice. "As you know, or least should know, to be involved in sports you need to have at least a 'C' or better to play in any games. So I'm sorry to say that you are not allowed to participate in any more football games." At that, I jumped up from the chair I sat in.

"What! But the team needs me," I yelled at him angrily.

"Well you should have thought of that before you started slacking off in class," he said with a stern voice. His tolerance with me clearly gone by now. "Now sit down!"

"Isn't there any other way? To get my grades to go up and still be able to play the next game?" I asked practically pleading as I sat back down in the chair. He turned to his computer and started looking for some thing. After a minute of him just typing he turned back to me.

"Do you have a tutor?" he asked me.

"No, but what does that have to do with my situation?" I asked. A bit annoyed that he's not answering my question.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance he pointed to the screen facing him. "It says right here in the sports information book. That you apparently didn't read. If a player is failing his classes he/she could not play until their grade is at least a 'C' or higher, but if the player has a tutor then he/she could play in the next game." Looking away from his computer he looked back at me.

"So if I have a tutor I could still play in the next game?" He just nodded like someone talking to a small child. "But I don't have a tutor and I don't think my mom can afford one," I said with some sadness in my voice.

"You can always sign up for a student tutor."

"A student tutor?"

"Yes, they're students from our school who are in the honor society. They need some community service hours so we have some tutor those who are struggling in their classes. They usually just help at the after school homework help center, but some students prefer their own personal tutor so we set them up with one."

"Cool! How do I get one?" I asked excitedly.

"We can set you up with one right now." Turning to his computer he started typing and clicking. He then picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Hello, can you send Ian down?"


That name sounds familiar.

We waited a couple of minute for Ian to come down to the office. The door then opened so quietly that I didn't hear it open until the principal said something.

"Ah Ian, come in," the principal gestured towards the door with his hands to come inside. Turning around in my chair I see a boy with somewhat short black hair, brown eyes, and a pair of glasses peak inside. He slowly walked into the room, pulling the sleeves of his coat further down his arms. Covering his hands to make sweater paws.

Now I remember! Ian is the shyest, quietest kid in the school. He would always wear giant coats and he never really talked at all. Except to his friends, though even when he did talk it was really soft.

Making his way toward the chair next to me, he cautiously sat down.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Ian said softly.

"Yes. Now it says here on my computer that you signed up to give tutoring lessons. Is that right?" The principal asked Ian. Ian responded to him by just nodding his head. "Well Donovan here would like to get a personal tutor, would you be willing to tutor him?" Looking over to me, I put on the best pleading look I can muster. Looking back at the principal I wait with anticipation for Ian's response.

He just nodded, gaining a smile from the principal.

"Good then!" The principal then printed something out. He signed it and then asked us to sign it. When Ian finished signing it the principal gave him another piece of paper.

"Okay, now here's the piece of paper for recording your tutoring time. You two can discuss when you want to do the sessions later. You are both now free to go." We both said our goodbyes and left his office.

As we were making our way to our classrooms, I felt like I should introduce myself better. "Hi, I'm Donovan," I said extending my hand out. He turned to look at me and then down at my hand, contemplating whether or not to shake it.

"Um. Hi, I'm Ian," he said quietly. Taking his hand out from inside his sweater's sleeve he shook my hand lightly. His hands are smaller than mine and soft as well.

"Yeah, you're the really quiet one in my science class," I said.

"Yeah and you're Donovan, my new neighbor," he said barely above a whisper.

"Wait, I'm your neighbor?" I asked surprised. His head shot up and looked at me surprised that I heard him.

"Uh, yeah you just moved right?" he asked. I nodded my head in response. "And your house is like four blocks from here?" I nodded again. "Well yeah, that's where l live too so you're my new neighbor."


"Well, kind of. You live like two houses away from mine," he said pulling the sleeves of his large sweater around his hands.

"Oh, that's cool. Well, we better get back to our class. See you around study buddy," I said lightly punching his arm. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Giving me a short nod of his head he quickly turned around and walked away.

That was weird,  I thought headed back to my classroom.

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[Updated August/8/17]

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