14. Getting More Information

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Donovan's POV~

The following day I haven't seen Ian's bullies all morning. I haven't seen Ian in the halls either. Whether this was a good thing or not, I still had no clue. None of them seem to be in any of my classes, so at least I'm following Ian's orders to stay away from them. Ian also told me not to worry about those three, that if they so much as look at him the wrong way then they'll be in trouble. But how is that suppose to make me feel any better when the thought that those three, especially Caleb, are still a threat to Ian. Does the school even know about these three and how they bullied Ian? There is only one way to find out and that is to ask Kylee. Though I don't know how much she'll want to talk to me. It's only been a day since I tried to snoop out information about Ian from her. I doubt she'll want to tell me anything on those three, that is if she has even met them yet.

Walking down the halls of the school, I head towards the cafeteria. Looking at the large room I see Ian sitting amongst his friends. All of them smiling and laughing. The idea of those three being in the same building must not really be bothering him. Maybe I'm just overreacting. Learning all of that information yesterday about him must still be processing in my head and I'm just overthinking it.

Sensing that I was staring at him, Ian turned in his seat and looked over at me. Giving me one of his dimpled smiles and waving before he turned back to his friends.

Yeah, I'm just overreacting, I say to myself as I walk over to where my friends were sitting. Through the years that I haven't really talked to him, he seems to have grown a bit tougher than when we were in middle school.

Sitting down at my spot next to Thomas I say a quick hey as I take my lunch out of my backpack. This morning my mom was up super early and decided to pack me a lunch. Taking out the food I start eating it as I chat with Thomas.

"Hey, Donovan. How was your tutoring session with Ian yesterday?" Thomas asked.

"Great, I think I'm about caught back up with the class now. Having Ian help me is definitely making my grades go up," I said as I took a bite of my sandwich.

"That's good, now you don't have to worry about not being able to play in the ga—"

"Get out of here!" Thomas was interrupted by someone yelling. Giving me a confused look, Thomas and I turned around looking to see who started yelling.

I see Ian standing between Brady and Kailin, with Connor standing in front of them. Connor looked pissed off, he seemed ready to fight someone. In front of him stood them.

Caleb with that sickening smirk on his face that I have already come to hate. He stood in front of Connor with his arms folded across his chest. His fingers covered in rings just like yesterday. He didn't seem bothered by the number of eyes that were turning toward him.

"Alright, boys let's calm down. Break it up," a teacher said as he walked towards Connor and Caleb.

With a smirk still plastered on his face, Caleb looked at Ian from among his friends and walked away. Cole and Joseph right behind him.

"What was that about?" Thomas said once the chatter of the cafeteria went back to its original volume.

"Those three are Ian's bullies," I said grumpily. Watching those three walk through the door that leads outside. What just happened reminded me those three are total dicks, yet I can't do anything about it since Ian told me not to worry about them.

"Bullies?" Thomas said with shock evident in his voice. "Since when did Ian have bullies? Who are those three anyway? I've never seen them around before?"

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