one | promises

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Dick. ✖️

"How could you?!" I yelled not knowing which of the both I was yelling at. Betrayal didn't even come close to define what they did to me.

I loved her and she cheated on me with the only parental figure I had. Half of me wanted to throw my Robin mask at them and cry and the other half wanted to scream until all my anger was let out.

He knew how much I cared about her and it's as if he just threw all that out the window. She knew that she was the first person that I fully let in and she betrays me like this?

"Dick," He tried to explain, and this was one of the few times I actually heard concern in his voice. Funny how it takes a situation like this to bring emotion out of him. "At least listen to what she has to say."

"No." My eyes met her year filled ones and I almost scoffed at how ridiculous that was. She was crying, when she cheated on me. "I guess all of our promises didn't matter when you were with him, huh?"

She was silent, not giving any sort of response, just crying even more. Even though I knew whatever she said wouldn't help, I still would've appreciated some effort.

"Now I know why you wouldn't help me with my idea to quit as Bamtan's little helper, because you're in love with him."

Once again, I was met with silence. I wasn't sure if it was because they knew I was right or because they didn't want to talk to me anymore. Either way, it didn't matter and I left the rooftop.

AU: I know I barely started a story but omg I had the idea and I had to 😢 but this will be the last one I start until I finish a story. Btw, the whole Bruce x Barbara thing was from Batman Beyond (I think) And this isn't a Barbara x Dick fic!

Trust Issues | Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now