eleven | come back

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Dick. ✖️

"How are you so sure she's home by now?" Bruce asked as we walked down the hall to my apartment. He had decided that he wanted to talk to Valerie when I told him about her and Joker.

That's one of the reasons why I went over to his house, I needed to talk to someone about it. Just to let out my thoughts and despite what he did what Barbara, he was still one of the few people I trusted.

"It's been three hours, I'm sure she's done shopping by now." I chuckled as I opened the door for us. It was surprisingly quiet and I almost thought he was right. "Or maybe she's not?"

He walked in and looked around for her. "Try calling her." His tone sounded worried and I already knew why. After I told him, he'd been more cautious himself too in case the Joker had a hunch that we were protecting her.

"You don't think-"

"No." He lied, probably just to keep me calm. "It would have been all over the news by now. You know Joker, he loves making bold moves." To some degree, he was right but I really hoped that that was the case.

Taking out my phone, I dialed the familiar numbers and let out a deep breath as I pressed the green 'Call' button. "Please be okay." I whispered to myself.

When I heard the noise signaling that she answered the call, I could feel my heart racing. Half because of excitement and half because of nervousness.

"Valerie?" Bruce called out when it seemed as if no words were coming out of my own mouth.

It was only when I heard that appalling voice that I felt as if my stomach dropped. "Is that my good Ol' friend Batsy?"

I wanted to break the phone when I heard the maniacal laughter come out of it. Bruce signaled at me to sit down as he took over the phone. "Where is she, Joker?" He demanded in his Batman voice.

"Well, wouldn't you and your little Nightwing like to know?" The demonic voice on the other side laughed. God, why was everything such a fucking joke with him?

I heard Valerie scream for help on the other side but she was quickly silenced by what I could only assume was a hit.

"Valerie!" I yelled, hoping maybe she knew that I would be there, I'd be there to protect her just like I said I would.

"Well it was nice keeping in touch, but me and my girl have some catching up to do!" He hung up the phone before me and Bruce could say anything else.

I wanted to break down, I wanted to scream at everything for not being careful enough with her. I wanted to go out and kill that clown but I couldn't do that.


I looked up and saw Bruce standing there over me. "What?" I told him as I struggled keeping all my emotions in.

"Let's go." He grabbed my phone and started heading out. "We'll track this phone call and we'll find her."

"The Bat Cave?" He nodded and I followed after him, hoping that he was right. Who knows what he would do to her this time?

Trust Issues | Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now