thirteen | nostalgia

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Valerie. ✖️


My eyes fluttered open as I heard him yell out for me in a sing song voice. Groaning, I sat up and stretched my arms. Wait.

I could move my arms? Looking around, I realized I wasn't in that dimly lit basement with my hands tied. Instead, I was in the old room I used to stay in while I worked for him.

The bed was a bit stiff but nonetheless more comfortable than the wooden chair I was in before. I looked in front of me and saw my messy reflection.

My hair was everywhere, my makeup from last night was smudged, and the scars from his beating and torture were all fresh.

I sighed as I got out of bed and opened door. I jumped back when I saw him standing on the opposite side. "Slept well?" He evilly grinned.

"Was putting me in my old room part of your torture?" I asked, crossing my arms against my chest and raising an eyebrow.

"Possibly." He laughed. "Or maybe I just wanted you to be comfy?"

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to go back to his old ways. Just as I was about to shut the door in his face, something I was thankful to be able to do, he stuck his foot in between the door and the door way.

"We have work to do. So sadly, you can't sleep all day." He roughly opened the door and took a quick look around my room. "No ones been in here since you left, you know."

"Am I supposed to feel special because of that?" I retorted, knowing what he was trying to do. He was just trying to reel me back in, so I would kill Dick.

"I always had a soft spot for you, you know that." He roughly said when he noticed that I wasn't taking any of his 'affection'.

"Yeah," I raised up my bruised arms where some small but deep cuts lay. "Way to show your so called love."

It was quiet for a second before he went back to his old self. "Well, come on." He started heading out and I followed him through the familiar hallways of his warehouse.

"Where to?" I genuinely asked. Who knew what he had planned this time now.

"We're gonna rob a bank." He proudly told me, "Here, I'm sure you remember how this works." Throwing a gun at me along with a mask, he exited the warehouse.

I slipped on the mask, trying to remember why I was doing this. I was doing this for my mother and Dick to be safe. As long as I complied, I hoped he'd keep them alive.


"My god! That was one of the best robberies I've done!" The Joker exclaimed as we were making our way to the roof to escape.

"It was, wasn't it?" I laughed, trying to play along as best but it was hard when there was the blood of three people on my hands.

Just as we were about to reach the stair way, a group of cops and a news reporter barged in. "Hands up!" One of them yelled.

I looked at Joker, wondering what to do. It's been so long since I've been in a situation like this and he always had the answer.

When I knew he had a plan, by the look of his knowing smirk, I turned to the camera. Even though they couldn't see my face due to the mask, I was hoping Dick would at least see the news and come help me.

The news reporter got a bit uncomfortable with me staring dead at them and took a step back.

"You got us." Joker said, whilst putting his hands up. I mimicked his action, a bit confused as to why he was surrendering so quick. But he always had a surprise up his sleeve.

Just as I was about to doubt him, he threw a grenade looking item at the floor in front of the cops. It wasn't explosive but it did emit some sort of gas.

"My famous laughing gas." He told me, as we ran up the stairs and headed towards the roof.

When we got there, it seemed as if the cops weren't getting us any time soon. There was already a helicopter there waiting for Joker with one of his goons.

"Get in!" He yelled at me as we made our escape.

The whole trip back all he could talk about was the robbery, but my thoughts were focused on Dick.

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