Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sesshomaru stopped in front of Kagome's apartment door and stared at it, still wondering what the hell he was doing. He lifted his hand to knock, paused, attempted to knock then paused again. And what exactly are you going to say when she opens the door? This newfound pity on the girl was going too far. It wasn't up to him to make things better. After much mental berating, he leaned his head back, sighed and walked away. He descended a few flights of steps until he reached the lobby where a cork board hung outside of the vestibule of mailboxes. He stopped in front of hers, seeing a yellow note with awful handwriting taped below the lock, and leaned closer to read it though he had to tilt his head and squinch his eyes to do so.

-Need a roommate. I'm nice, clean and very responsible. I don't snore...or I don't think so at least. Must have the same qualities. Call Kagome Higurashi 1-917-555-3255-

He took one last look up the steps, debating whether to go back, then scoffed as he ripped the note off her mailbox and walked out of the building. The last thing he needed in his life was drama.


Kagome threw herself on the sofa and sobbed into her pillow. She remained soaked and didn't bother to change out of her clothes. She wiped her nose on the pillow and sat upright as she looked around the living room. Inuyasha cheated on me. It felt like a bad dream. With Kikyo! This isn't real. This can't be happening.

Looking over at her phone she noticed the answer machine blinking. She walked over to it, her finger hesitating over the button, praying that it was not Inuyasha but partly hoping that it was him. She gulped back her nerves and braced herself as she pressed the button. There were a few messages from Sango, her voice shaken and pleading for her to call back, she could only assess that it was about Inuyasha. She probably found out from Miroku.

The following message nearly ripped her heart from her chest. It was Inuyasha. She could hear the regret in his voice, the trembling plea for her to forgive him. How could she be so naïve? She was so focused on the future that she never saw the signs that he was straying. But thinking back on her relationship during the last two years, it was now evident. How he constantly took his phone everywhere with him, even to the bathroom, or the way he seemed rushed whenever they got together. Or how he didn't seem interested in being intimate with her, and even the pictures on his social media account were becoming less of them together. There were even moments he would purposely pick fights with her over nonsense. Why didn't she pay attention to the signs? She frowned. Why? BECAUSE SHE TRUSTED HIM! Her cellphone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out to see several texts from Inuyasha begging her to call him back. Like hell she would!

As much as she was hurting, she needed to direct her attention to other things. Hopefully this new job would help her achieve the goals she'd set out for herself. But doubt started to settle in. Perhaps she was a little too confident that she'd get the job making her feel presumptuous that she quit her other job without getting confirmation of being hired. She looked around the empty apartment feeling lonely, pondering whether she should go see her friends, but they'd probably just badmouth Inuyasha the entire time and she just didn't want to think about him. Her body became clammy and cold as she dawdled to the bathroom to peel off her wet clothes. After a long hot shower, she decided to unpack the rest of her boxes. She barely got one box opened before she noticed a voicemail on her cellphone. She scanned the missed call log and saw an unknown number with a pending message. She felt the ball forming in her throat as she pressed the button to play it.

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