Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The apartment was filled with dread and awkwardness. Kagome winced at the light as she entered the bathroom, feeling the consequences of drinking six glasses of wine and coffee topping that off with balling her eyes out, her body was severely dehydrated. After their fight, Sesshomaru stormed out of the apartment and returned a few hours later not saying a word to her. He just entered his room and closed the door. She debated on going in after him, talk things how in hopes they could reconciliate, but his words hurt her. Did he really think so low of her?

She showered and whimpered as she washed her face, the skin of her eyes raw and blistered from wiping them all night. After she finished, she got ready for work and saw Sesshomaru standing beside the kitchen. He didn't say anything to her when she passed him to make herself a coffee. This was going to be weird, she thought. He didn't look at her once and it bothered her that he didn't look remotely bothered or affected by last night's encounter. She'd have to wear sunglasses to hide her swollen eyes from curious coworkers.

The drive to work was tensed. Inuyasha's song came on the radio spiking a road rage in Sesshomaru as he traversed between cars on the highway, tailgating at a high speed and slamming his horn to those who cut him off. Kagome couldn't take it anymore. They needed to talk.

"We need to talk..."

"There is nothing to talk about." Sesshomaru answered flatly.

"Yes, there is! We are both still obviously upset from last night. We should really talk."

Sesshomaru gripped the steering wheel as his nostrils flared. "I don't want to talk, Kagome." He looked over at her, shooting a warning glance and he noticed how red and puffy her eyes were. He swallowed hard and looked away from her.

"Fine." She said, turning to look out the window. Upset that her eyes prickled with tears. She couldn't bear the way they were acting towards each other right now.

They kept it professional at work, making sure not to talk to each other. Sesshomaru kept his office door closed and Kagome engrossed herself in any task she could get her hand on. Around noon, Sesshomaru came out of his office and searched through one of her filing cabinets for an account. She was going to propose they talk when her phone rang. Her screen lit up with Inuyasha's name and Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder at the phone and scowled. Kagome silenced the phone and she typed away at her keyboard ignoring the tension that suddenly filled the air.

"Why don't you just answer his call, I mean, what is there to hide if nothing happened?"

"I am currently busy working." She dismissed his insinuative remarks.


"Stop it..." she demanded. "Please."

"Stop what?" he let out a dry laugh. She was about to demand that they talk in his office when Shurran popped in from the hallway.

"Good morning, my lord. "

Sesshomaru casted a crooked grin at her. "Good morning, Shurran. What can I assist you with?"

"Other than your company and a good brunch?" she smiled.

Sesshomaru glanced at Kagome and noticed the bitterness in her face and beamed toward Shurran and returned her coquetry with a flirty grin.

"Perhaps I will take you up on that offer."

"Really?" Shurran looked surprised then added a smile. "I mean, how about in a half an hour, Delmonico's?"

Sesshomaru grinned austerely at Kagome who was staring back with a disbelieving look. "I can't wait."

Shurran licked her lips, bowed her head, shot a sly look at Kagome then turned. "I will wait for you in the lobby."

Sesshomaru and Kagome (Misery Loves Company)Where stories live. Discover now