Chapter 7

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Chapter 7   ****Mature content*****

Sesshomaru finished his cigarette and came back into the living room from the fire escape. Koga could feel him glaring at him so he looked down at his watch.

"Would you look at the time? I should get going. You know, Ayame needs our quality time and all that crap."

"Yeah...we should leave." Sango agreed, tapping both Miroku and Hojo on the shoulder as their gazes stayed glued to the television.

"Aww...babe, they're giving Predator. I haven't seen it in forever." Miroku whined.

Sango raised a brow and shook her head. "You own the movie on DVD, numbnut."

"Yeah...but it's different when it's on TV." Miroku exclaimed. Hojo nodded beside him.

"Ok, Kagome...thanks for the grub..." Koga smiled, still feeling Sesshomaru watch him. He pulled Kagome into a quick hug and turned for the door.

"What are you smiling for, Koga?" Kagome asked, tilting her head at him suspiciously.

" No reason." he smirked and turned toward Sesshomaru to shake his hand. " Sesshomaru...always a pleasure."

Sesshomaru gave Koga a firm handshake, his eyes fixing on his. "The pleasure, all mine."

Koga winced hearing his knuckles crack. "Right..."

Miroku and Hojo could see the discomfort on Koga's face and decided not to shake Sesshomaru's hand. They gave a friendly nod and wave instead.

"Kagome, see you later." Miroku said while Sango pushed everyone out the door.

Kagome stood in the doorway as Sesshomaru grabbed all empty cups and took it to the kitchen. Sango paused in the hallway and turned back to Kagome.

"Listen, my brother said he needs to talk to you."

"Kohaku?" Kagome cocked a brow.

Sango scoffed. " Who else? Miroku did you know I had another brother?" Sango looked toward the bottom of the steps. Kagome rolled her eyes.

Miroku looked up and scratched his head. " I dunno...your mom...she does get around..." Miroku looked toward Koga and Hojo and began to laugh.

"What did you say?" Sango yelled. Miroku pushed Koga and Hojo to run downstairs.

Sango turned back to Kagome and rubbed her temples. "Look, he wants to come and chat with you. I have no idea why. I think it's about Inuyasha. That kid has been praising Inuyasha and his music. I was hoping you could talk some sense into him."

"Well, okay...give him my cellphone number and tell him to call."

"Will do." Sango shouted as she went downstairs.

Kagome closed the door and went back inside. She sighed as she helped Sesshomaru clean the house. After she was done tidying up the living room, she joined Sesshomaru in the kitchen.

"Oh god, I do apologize for my friends. They can be...a handful." Kagome smirked as she turned around and shook her head. "Sango is annoying, isn't she? Trying to get me to date so bad."

"Oh?" Sesshomaru snuck a curious look at her as he washed his hands.

" Yeah..." Kagome tilted her head trying to sense what he was thinking or feeling. He didn't say anything else and she sighed. "Oh...Koga finished your caviar accidently, sorry. I'll buy another one."

"It is fine." Sesshomaru said, wiping his hands with a dry towel. He leaned against the counter, crossed his arms then looked at her.

Feeling awkward that he was just staring, she ambled toward him and started adjusting the chairs, pushing them into the table though they couldn't be any closer. "So...I'll make sure to do my part tomorrow."

Sesshomaru and Kagome (Misery Loves Company)Where stories live. Discover now