Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Inuyasha paced around the living room, pulling the sides of his hair. "I cannot believe this! When will it end, damn it, when? What did I do to deserve this!" he hurled his glass of water at the wall. It shattered into pieces sending the maid and butler scurrying for a dry towel and broom.

"Inuyasha, calm down." his father muttered in a calm voice as he stared through the blinds of his office window.

"Dad, I can't calm down, don't you see?" Inuyasha held the front page of the Daily news. "Someone's out to get me! I mean, I can't make a damn song with all this unwanted publicity, and this drama is draining me of whatever money I have left."

"Why do you blame the newspaper for the fact that you cannot make a song?" his father looked back and smiled. "You are throwing an irrelevant tantrum. You wanted to be famous, didn't you? Well, this is what comes with fame...don't you remember what happened to that...Mickey Jackson character?"

"That's Michael Jackson, S-sir..." a guard cleared his throat as he stepped forward and then bowed.

"Is it really?" Inutaisho cocked his head to the side as he sat down. " Ah, no worries then. You know the fellow I'm talking about."

" but dad, I want to know who this impersonator is!" Inuyasha slammed the newspaper on the table. "Agh, I'm going to get a drink..." he sighed as he rubbed his temples and left.

Inutaisho sighed as he grabbed the newspaper and began to look at the picture. He frowned as he looked up from the paper at the guard and then back down with a smirk. " Hmm..."


Kagome slouched in the car seat as she rested her head on her hand against the window. She mumbled along to the song on the radio as she stared at the traffic in front of her boringly. She decided to go to work today in her car. Every time she carpooled with Sesshomaru, she'd have to go home when he decided to and she wasn't having that today. She just wanted to get there, work and leave. She was still mad at the way he was quick to accuse her of lying to him about the pictures. I mean, did she ever give him a reason to not trust her? Did she ever lie to him?

"No!" Kagome answered out loud and looked to her side to see a guy raise his eyebrow at her like she was crazy. He rolled up his car window and locked the door and glanced suspiciously at her.

She groaned as she shook her head and changed the station to a more upbeat song. The one she was singing sounded like someone had just died. As she switched through each station, her phone rang.

" Yes...what?" she sighed.

" I need a ride." Koga uttered.

"Uh huh, and?"

" It's me, Kagome. Koga." he said.

" Yeah, I know...what's your point?" she chuckled.

" I can't ride my motorcycle with my suit, it will get all wrinkled and dirty." he exclaimed. She could tell he was nervous about his interview with Sesshomaru.

" What's wrong with your car?"

"Ah, that piece of shit is good for going to the store and back, I don't wanna take my chance out on the highway." he said with no hope in his voice.

"Fine..." Kagome rolled her eyes. " I'll be there in ten minutes. Traffic is starting to move." she said as she hung up her phone.

Minutes later, Kagome turned down the block and saw Koga standing all spiffy in a suit. She stopped the car to let him in and drove off.

Sesshomaru and Kagome (Misery Loves Company)Where stories live. Discover now